
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Cook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> According to the following documentation, jBoss includes the 
> ability to deploy
> library archives in an ear file.
> http://www.jboss.org/documentation/HTML/ch10s71.html#N37d7
> "On deployment one - common - classloader is created. This 
> classloader will get
> all archives in its classpath that are referenced 
> (MANIFEST.MF/Class-Path)by any
> module contained in this application."
> This does not appear to work. jBoss appears to ignore any 
> classes that I
> reference in the manifest and I get ClassNotFoundExceptions.

2 problems I found with this were;

. you need to have a newline after the class-path entry in the manifest -
otherwise the jarfile classes in the jdk do not return your class-path entry
- so jboss never sees it.

. the manifest entry needs to be in the ejb's jar - not in the ear jar.

Hope this helps,

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