
For the past couple of weeks I've been integrating Tyrex DTM
(tyrex.exolab.org) into JBoss. Things are coming along and in a few days
I'll probably have a basic support for transaction propagation across 2
JBoss instances. I was wondering, how should I make my mods available (the
code is really alpha) for the people who want to start working on it. The
code also requires changes to the current JBoss implementation (in
particular, TxInterceptorCMT and TxInterceptorBMT would rely on
javax.transactions.TransactionManager interface to manage transactions,
instead of using JBoss extensions to the API for thread

Anatoly Akkerman
Computer Science Dept.
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU
719 Broadway, #715                      Tel: 212 998-3525
New York, NY 10003                      Fax: 212 995-4123

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