Bill write:
>I'm pretty sure you're wrong here.  BMP in jboss does NOT guarantee SQL
>ordering.  BMP uses the same interceptors as CMP(look in standardjboss.xml)
>and there is no code in these Entity interceptors that differentiate
>BMP and CMP.  Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong because I'd really
>like to nail this down.

BMP only guarantees the bean callbacks (ejbXxx() ...) will be called in
correct order. It has
nothing to do with the SQL ordering. It is the Bean writer's job to fill in
SQL statements in
whereever he/she likes to.

CMP on the other hand, will do the persistence for you(aka. call SQL
statements). It will
also call bean callbacks (ejbXxx()...) in correct order. However, it might
for performance reason
not to call these SQL statements until beforeComplete().

BTW, BMP and CMP use different PersistentManager as shown in
standardjboss.xml. (See
tag <PersistenceManager/>). Your argument is not correct.

Henri Chen

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