User: schaefera
  Date: 01/06/26 12:00:26

  Modified:    src/main/org/jboss/deployment/scope
  Fixed what I screwed up and brought version 1.7 back in (Sorry).
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.9       +497 -0    
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.8
  retrieving revision 1.9
  diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
  ---      2001/06/16 05:53:38     1.8
  +++      2001/06/26 19:00:26     1.9
  @@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
  + * JBoss, the OpenSource EJB server
  + *
  + * Distributable under LGPL license.
  + * See terms of license at
  + */
  +package org.jboss.deployment.scope;
  +import org.jboss.deployment.Deployment;
  +import org.jboss.mgt.Application;
  +import org.jboss.deployment.J2eeDeploymentException;
  +import java.util.Iterator;
  +import java.util.List;
  +import java.util.Collection;
  +import java.util.Set;
  +import java.util.Map;
  + * This is a deployer that introduces a J2ee application scoping facility and
  + * proper (re-)deployment procedures. It implements a default global scope.
  + * @author  cgjung
  + * @version 0.9
  + */
  +public class J2eeGlobalScopeDeployer extends org.jboss.deployment.J2eeDeployer {
  +    /** the scopes that are in effect */
  +    final protected Map scopes=new java.util.HashMap();
  +    /** Creates new J2eeDependencyDeployer */
  +    public J2eeGlobalScopeDeployer() {
  +    }
  +    /** registers a new scope in this deployer
  +     * @param name unique name of the new scope
  +     *
  +     * @param scope the scope to register
  +     * @return the scope that has been isolated by that action
  +     *
  +     */
  +    public Scope registerScope(String name, Scope scope) {
  +        synchronized(scopes) {
  +            return (Scope) scopes.put(name,scope);
  +        }
  +    }
  +    /** looks up a scope
  +     * @param name the unique name of the scope
  +     *
  +     * @return the registered scope
  +     *
  +     */
  +    public Scope getScope(String name) {
  +        synchronized(scopes) {
  +            return (Scope) scopes.get(name);
  +        }
  +    }
  +    /** deregisters a scope
  +     * @param name unique name of the scope to deRegister
  +     * @return the deRegistered scope
  +     *
  +     */
  +    public Scope deRegisterScope(String name) {
  +        synchronized(scopes) {
  +            return (Scope) scopes.remove(name);
  +        }
  +    }
  +    /** static name of the global scope */
  +    final public static String GLOBAL_SCOPE="GLOBAL_SCOPE";
  +    /** starts the service by first creating
  +     * a new scope
  +     * @throws Exception to indicate
  +     * that either superclass or scope creation
  +     * went wrong.
  +     */
  +    public void startService() throws Exception {
  +        registerScope(GLOBAL_SCOPE,createScope());
  +        super.startService();
  +    }
  +    /** factory method to create a new scope, May throw a general exception
  +     * if this very basic enterprise fails.
  +     * @throws Exception May throw any exception to indicate
  +     * instantiation problems of the scope (probably
  +     * because initial meta-data could not be found,
  +     * is corrupt, etc.)
  +     * @return a freshly instantiated and preconfigured scope.
  +     *
  +     */
  +    protected Scope createScope() throws Exception {
  +        return new Scope(log);
  +    }
  +    /** stops the service by freeing
  +     * scope afterwards
  +     */
  +    public void stopService() {
  +        super.stopService();
  +        deRegisterScope(GLOBAL_SCOPE);
  +    }
  +    /**
  +     * creates an application class loader for this deployment
  +     * this class loader will be shared between jboss and
  +     * tomcat via the contextclassloader
  +     * we include all ejb and web-modules at this level
  +     * to also be able to connect flat ejb-jars to each other
  +     * @param scope the scope in which to create the classloader
  +     * @param deployment the deployment that is about to be made,
  +     * but is already installed
  +     * @throws J2eeDeploymentException to indicate
  +     * problems with instantiating the classloader
  +     * (maybe if reading some meta-data did not work properly)
  +     */
  +    protected void createContextClassLoader(Deployment deployment, Scope scope) 
throws J2eeDeploymentException {
  +        try{
  +            // get urls we want all classloaders of this application to share
  +            Set allUrls=new java.util.HashSet();
  +            // first we add the common urls (as does our parent)
  +            Iterator allCommonUrls=deployment.getCommonUrls().iterator();
  +            while(allCommonUrls.hasNext())
  +                allUrls.add(;
  +            // then the ejbmodules urls
  +            Iterator allEjbModules=deployment.getEjbModules().iterator();
  +            while(allEjbModules.hasNext()) {
  +                Iterator allLocalUrls=((Deployment.Module);
  +                while(allLocalUrls.hasNext())
  +                    allUrls.add(;
  +            }
  +            // then the web modules urls
  +            Iterator allWebModules=deployment.getWebModules().iterator();
  +            while(allWebModules.hasNext()) {
  +                Iterator allLocalUrls=((Deployment.Module);
  +                while(allLocalUrls.hasNext())
  +                    allUrls.add(;
  +            }
  +            // create classloader with parent from context
  +            ClassLoader parent = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
  +            // using the factory method
  +            ScopedURLClassLoader appCl = createScopedContextClassLoader((URL[]) 
allUrls.toArray(new URL[allUrls.size()]),parent,deployment,scope);
  +            // set the result loader as the context class
  +            // loader for the deployment thread
  +            Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(appCl);
  +        } catch(Exception e) {
  +            throw new J2eeDeploymentException("could not construct context 
  +        }
  +    }
  +    /** factory method for scoped url classloaders factored out. May throw a general
  +     * exception if this enterprise fails.
  +     * @return a freshly instantiated and configured class loader
  +     * @param scope the scope in which the classloader should be created
  +     * @param urls the urls for which the scoped
  +     * classloader should be generated
  +     * @param parent the parent loader
  +     * @param deployment the deployment to which this classloader is
  +     * associated.
  +     * @throws Exception to indicate
  +     * problems in constructing the
  +     * classloader (maybe because
  +     * meta-data was corrupt).
  +     */
  +    protected ScopedURLClassLoader createScopedContextClassLoader(URL[] 
urls,ClassLoader parent,Deployment deployment, Scope scope) throws Exception {
  +        return new ScopedURLClassLoader(urls,parent,deployment,scope);
  +    }
  +    /** Overrides the normal (re-)deploy method in order to
  +     * take dependent applications into account.
  +     *
  +     * @param _url the url (file or http) to the archiv to deploy
  +     * @throws MalformedURLException in case of a malformed url
  +     * @throws J2eeDeploymentException if something went wrong...
  +     * @throws IOException if trouble while file download occurs
  +     */
  +    public void deploy(String _url) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, 
J2eeDeploymentException {
  +        deploy(_url,getScope(GLOBAL_SCOPE));
  +    }
  +    /** scoped (re-)deploy method.
  +     *
  +     * @param scope the scope in which the file should be deployed
  +     * @param _url the url (file or http) to the archiv to deploy
  +     * @throws MalformedURLException in case of a malformed url
  +     * @throws J2eeDeploymentException if something went wrong...
  +     * @throws IOException if trouble while file download occurs
  +     */
  +    public void deploy(String _url, Scope scope) throws MalformedURLException, 
IOException, J2eeDeploymentException {
  +        // build url from string spec
  +        URL url = new URL(_url);
  +        // find the collector to report to
  +        ObjectName lCollector = createCollectorName();
  +        // initialise teared down deployments just in case that nothing
  +        // is teared down
  +        List allTearedDown=new java.util.ArrayList();
  +        // undeploy first if it is a redeploy
  +        try {
  +            // use modified undeploy in order to tear down
  +            // dependent apps as well, reporting will be
  +            // done here!
  +            undeployWithDependencies(_url,allTearedDown,url,lCollector);
  +        } catch (Exception _e) {
  +            // not a real exception; fresh deployment case
  +            allTearedDown.add(url);
  +        }
  +        // now we (re-)deploy the whole bunch that was teared down
  +        // with us
  +        Iterator allDeployments=allTearedDown.iterator();
  +        while(allDeployments.hasNext()) {
  +            URL nextUrl=(URL);
  +            // maybe this deployment has already been made as
  +            // a side effect of dependency analysis
  +            Deployment d = installer.findDeployment(nextUrl.toString());
  +            // then it would be non-null
  +            if(d==null) {
  +                // else we install it
  +                log.log("(Re-)Deploy J2EE application: " + nextUrl);
  +                try{
  +                    d=installApplication(nextUrl);
  +                    // and start it (and the depending stuff, before)
  +                    // reporting is done here
  +                    startApplication(d, scope, lCollector);
  +                } catch(Exception e) {
  +                    uninstallApplication(nextUrl.toString());
  +                    throw new J2eeDeploymentException("could not start application 
  +                }
  +            }
  +        }
  +    }
  +    /** Starts the successful downloaded deployment. <br>
  +     * Means the modules are deployed by the responsible container deployer
  +     * This version of the method does indeed start necessary
  +     * other applications as well.
  +     * @param scope the scope in which the deployment should be started
  +     * @param dep the deployment to start
  +     * @throws J2eeDeploymentException if an error occures for one of these
  +     *         modules
  +     */
  +    protected void startApplication(Deployment dep, Scope scope, ObjectName 
lCollector)  throws J2eeDeploymentException {
  +        // here we collect all the started deployments (not only dep)
  +        // in the order they should be deployed
  +        List deployments=new java.util.ArrayList();
  +        // recursively start all sub-deployments
  +        startApplication(dep, deployments,scope,lCollector);
  +        Iterator allDeployments=deployments.iterator();
  +        while(allDeployments.hasNext()) {
  +            Deployment _d=(Deployment);
  +            // save the old classloader
  +            ClassLoader oldCl = Thread.currentThread().
  +            getContextClassLoader();
  +            // find out the corresponding classloader
  +            ScopedURLClassLoader source=(ScopedURLClassLoader)
  +            scope.classLoaders.get(_d.getLocalUrl());
  +            Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(source);
  +            try{
  +                // enable the scoped classloader to setup some
  +                // metadata or such before entering application modules
  +                source.onDeploy();
  +                // redirect all modules to the responsible deployers
  +                startModules(_d,source,oldCl);
  +            } catch(Exception e) {
  +                stopApplication(_d,new java.util.ArrayList(),null,scope,lCollector);
  +                throw new J2eeDeploymentException("could not deploy "+_d.getName());
  +            }
  +        }
  +    }
  +    /** Starts the successful downloaded deployment. <br>
  +     * Means the modules are deployed by the responsible container deployer
  +     * <comment author="cgjung">better be protected for subclassing </comment>
  +     * @param alreadyMarked the deployments (in order) that have already been 
installed and
  +     * that  must be properly deployed afterwards.
  +     * @param _d the deployment to start
  +     * @throws J2eeDeploymentException if an error occures for one of these
  +     *          modules
  +     */
  +    protected void startApplication(Deployment _d, List alreadyMarked, Scope scope, 
ObjectName lCollector) throws J2eeDeploymentException {
  +        ClassLoader parent=Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
  +        // set the context classloader for this application
  +        createContextClassLoader(_d,scope);
  +        // save the application classloader for later
  +        ScopedURLClassLoader appCl = (ScopedURLClassLoader)
  +        Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
  +        alreadyMarked.add(0,_d);
  +        String[] dependentStuff=appCl.getDependingApplications();
  +        for(int count=0;count<dependentStuff.length;count++) {
  +            // reinstall parent
  +            Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(parent);
  +            try{
  +                URL absoluteUrl=new URL(_d.getSourceUrl(),dependentStuff[count]);
  +                Deployment newD=installer.
  +                    findDeployment(absoluteUrl.toString());
  +                if(newD==null) {
  +                    log.log("Deploying dependent application "+absoluteUrl);
  +                    try{
  +                        newD = installApplication(absoluteUrl);
  +                    startApplication(newD,alreadyMarked,scope,lCollector);
  +            } catch(Exception e) {
  +                try{
  +                    uninstallApplication(absoluteUrl.toString());
  +                }catch(IOException _e) {
  +                    log.error("Could not properly uninstall application 
  +                }
  +                throw new J2eeDeploymentException("could not install dependent 
application "+dependentStuff[count],e);
  +            }
  +                }
  +            } catch( e) {
  +                throw new J2eeDeploymentException("could not construct url for 
dependent application "+dependentStuff[count]);
  +            }
  +        } // for
  +        // reinstall parent
  +        Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(parent);
  +    }
  +    /** A new stop method that stops a running deployment
  +     * and its dependent applications and that logs their
  +     * urls (where the current deployment will be redeployed under newUrl)
  +     * in a set for redeployment.
  +     *
  +     * @param scope the scope in which the running deployment has been found and in 
which the
  +     * dependent ones must be found, too.
  +     *
  +     * @param _d deployment to stop
  +     * @param redeployUrls collects the sourceUrls of the
  +     * undeployed apps
  +     * @param newUrl the url under which the current deployment should be 
redeployed, if at all
  +     * @throws J2eeDeploymentException to
  +     * indicate problems in undeployment.
  +     */
  +    protected void stopApplication(Deployment _d, List redeployUrls, URL newUrl, 
Scope scope, ObjectName lCollector) throws J2eeDeploymentException {
  +        // synchronize on the scope
  +        synchronized(scope.classLoaders) {
  +            // find out the corresponding classloader
  +            ScopedURLClassLoader source=(ScopedURLClassLoader)
  +            scope.classLoaders.get(_d.getLocalUrl());
  +            // its still here, so the thing is not already stopped
  +            if(source!=null) {
  +                try{
  +                    log.log("About to stop application "+_d.getName());
  +                    // add it to the stopped list
  +                    redeployUrls.add(newUrl);
  +                    // get dependency information
  +                    Iterator allDependencies=scope.getDependentClassLoaders(source).
  +                    iterator();
  +                    // deregister classloader
  +                    scope.deRegisterClassLoader(source);
  +                    // first stop the dependent stuff
  +                    while(allDependencies.hasNext()) {
  +                        ScopedURLClassLoader dependentLoader=(ScopedURLClassLoader)
  +              ;
  +                        stopApplication(dependentLoader.deployment,
  +                    }
  +                } finally {
  +                    try{
  +                        // Remove application data by its id
  +                        // now we do the real stopping
  +                        super.stopApplication(_d);
  +                        // and leave a last message to the classloader to
  +                        // tear down meta-data or such
  +                        source.onUndeploy();
  +                    } finally {
  +                        try{
  +                            uninstallApplication(_d);
  +                        } catch(IOException e) {
  +                            log.error("could not properly uninstall "+_d.getName());
  +                        }
  +                    }
  +                }
  +            } // if
  +        } // sync
  +    }
  +    /** Overloads the proper stop in order to
  +     *  be redirected to the dependency stopper
  +     * @param scope the scope in which the deployment should be stopped.
  +     *
  +     * @param _d the deployment to stop
  +     * @throws J2eeDeploymentException if an error occures for one of these
  +     *          modules
  +     */
  +    protected void stopApplication(Deployment _d, Scope scope, ObjectName 
lCollector) throws J2eeDeploymentException {
  +        stopApplication(_d,new java.util.ArrayList(),_d.getSourceUrl(),scope, 
  +    }
  +    /** Undeploys the given URL (if it is deployed) and returns an array
  +     * of deployments that have been teared down
  +     * Actually only the file name is of interest, so it dont has to be
  +     * an URL to be undeployed, the file name is ok as well.
  +     * @param _app the stirng spec of the app to tear down
  +     *
  +     * @param allTearedDown collection of deployments that have been teared down as 
a result.
  +     *
  +     * @param newUrl url under which the application is to be redeployed, if at all
  +     *
  +     * @throws J2eeDeploymentException if something went wrong (but should have 
removed all files)
  +     * @throws IOException if file removement fails
  +     */
  +    public void undeployWithDependencies(String _app, List allTearedDown, URL 
newUrl, ObjectName lCollector) throws IOException, J2eeDeploymentException {
  +        // find currect deployment
  +        Deployment d = installer.findDeployment(_app);
  +        if (d == null)
  +            throw new J2eeDeploymentException("The application \""+name+"\" has not 
been deployed.");
  +        Iterator allScopes=scopes.values().iterator();
  +        while(allScopes.hasNext()) {
  +            Scope nextScope=(Scope);
  +            if(nextScope.classLoaders.get(d.getLocalUrl())!=null) {
  +                // use dependency stopper that uninstalls already
  +                stopApplication(d, allTearedDown, newUrl,nextScope, lCollector);
  +                return;
  +            }
  +        }
  +        throw new J2eeDeploymentException("could not find scope for deployment 
  +    }
  +    /** Overrides parent undeploy in order to dispatch
  +     * to the dependency undeployer
  +     * @param _app name of the application to tear down
  +     *
  +     * @throws J2eeDeploymentException if something went wrong (but should have 
removed all files)
  +     * @throws IOException if file removement fails
  +     */
  +    public void undeploy(String _app) throws IOException, J2eeDeploymentException {
  +        undeployWithDependencies(_app,new 
  +    }

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