    After moaning about this for a couple of days, I got myself to write the
bit to have bean level datasources.The changes to JawsEntityMetaData are

1. To read the 'datasource' tag at bean level
        //get the datasouce name
  String dataSourceName = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(element,

        //if a local datasource name is found bind it and set the local
          // Make sure it is prefixed with java:
            if (!dataSourceName.startsWith("java:/"))
               dataSourceName = "java:/"+dataSourceName;

            // find the datasource
            if (! dataSourceName.startsWith("jdbc:")) {
                try {
                    this.dataSource = (DataSource)new
                } catch (NamingException e) {
                    throw new DeploymentException(e.getMessage());

2. To return the appropriate datasource

    //Return appropriate datasource
 public DataSource getDataSource()
        //If a local datasource has been specified use it
            return dataSource;
        //Use the gloabal datasource
            return jawsApplication.getDataSource();

So basically for a jaws.xml that starts as



it will use the BRILLOBER datasource if it has been specified and use the
global on i.e PERSONAL if the datasource tag has not been specified at the
bean level. Do we want to check this in?



PS: For those who want to patch this into their set up and try using it the
entire file follows

 * JBoss, the OpenSource EJB server
 * Distributable under LGPL license.
 * See terms of license at gnu.org.
package org.jboss.ejb.plugins.jaws.metadata;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.HashMap;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;

import javax.naming.InitialContext;

import org.w3c.dom.Element;

import org.jboss.ejb.DeploymentException;

import org.jboss.metadata.EntityMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.MetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.XmlLoadable;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

 * <description>
 * @see <related>
 * @author <a href="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Sebastien Alborini</a>
 *  @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Dirk Zimmermann</a>
 * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Vinay Menon</a>
 * @version $Revision: 1.9 $
public class JawsEntityMetaData extends MetaData implements XmlLoadable {
 // Constants -----------------------------------------------------

 // Attributes ----------------------------------------------------

 // parent metadata structures
 private JawsApplicationMetaData jawsApplication;
 private EntityMetaData entity;

 // the name of the bean (same as entity.getEjbName())
 private String ejbName = null;

 // the name of the table to use for this bean
 private String tableName = null;

 // do we have to try and create the table on deployment?
 private boolean createTable;

 // do we have to drop the table on undeployment?
 private boolean removeTable;

 // do we use tuned updates?
 private boolean tunedUpdates;

   // do we use 'SELECT ... FOR UPDATE' syntax?
   private boolean selectForUpdate;

 // is the bean read-only?
 private boolean readOnly;

    //Added by Vinay Menon  - Start
    //Enable fast updates based on stable row id column
    private String stableRowIdColumn;
    //Added by Vinay Menon  - End

 private int timeOut;

 // should the table have a primary key constraint?
 private boolean pkConstraint;

 // is the bean's primary key a composite object
 private boolean compositeKey;

 // the class of the primary key
 private Class primaryKeyClass;

 // the datasource name - Vinay
 private DataSource dataSource=null;

 // the fields we must persist for this bean
 private Hashtable cmpFields = new Hashtable();

 // the fields that belong to the primary key (if composite)
 private ArrayList pkFields = new ArrayList();

 // finders for this bean
 private ArrayList finders = new ArrayList();

  * Here we store the basename of all detailed fields in jaws.xml
  * (e.g., "data" for "data.categoryPK").
 private HashMap detailedFieldDescriptions = new HashMap();

  * This is the Boolean we store as value in detailedFieldDescriptions.
 private static final Boolean detailedBoolean = new Boolean(true);

 // Static --------------------------------------------------------

 // Constructors --------------------------------------------------

 public JawsEntityMetaData(JawsApplicationMetaData app, EntityMetaData ent)
throws DeploymentException {
  // initialisation of this object goes as follows:
  //  - constructor
  //  - importXml() for standardjaws.xml and jaws.xml

  jawsApplication = app;
  entity = ent;
  ejbName = entity.getEjbName();
  compositeKey = entity.getPrimKeyField() == null;

  try {
   primaryKeyClass =
  } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
   throw new DeploymentException("could not load primary key class: " +

  // we replace the . by _ because some dbs die on it...
  // the table name may be overridden in importXml(jaws.xml)
  tableName = ejbName.replace('.', '_');

  // build the metadata for the cmp fields now in case there is no jaws.xml
  Iterator cmpFieldNames = entity.getCMPFields();

  while (cmpFieldNames.hasNext()) {
   String cmpFieldName = (String)cmpFieldNames.next();
    CMPFieldMetaData cmpField = new CMPFieldMetaData(cmpFieldName, this);

   cmpFields.put(cmpFieldName, cmpField);

  // build the pkfields metadatas
  if (compositeKey) {
   Field[] pkClassFields = primaryKeyClass.getFields();

   for (int i = 0; i < pkClassFields.length; i++) {
    Field pkField = pkClassFields[i];
    CMPFieldMetaData cmpField =

    if (cmpField == null) throw new DeploymentException("Bean " + ejbName +
" has PK of type " + primaryKeyClass.getName() + ", so it should have a
cmp-field named " + pkField.getName());

    pkFields.add(new PkFieldMetaData(pkField, cmpField, this));

  } else {
   String pkFieldName = entity.getPrimKeyField();
          CMPFieldMetaData cmpField =

   pkFields.add(new PkFieldMetaData(cmpField, this));

 // Public --------------------------------------------------------

    public JawsApplicationMetaData getJawsApplication() { return
jawsApplication; }

 public EntityMetaData getEntity() { return entity; }

 public Iterator getCMPFields() { return cmpFields.values().iterator(); }

 public CMPFieldMetaData getCMPFieldByName(String name) {
  return (CMPFieldMetaData)cmpFields.get(name);

 public Iterator getPkFields() { return pkFields.iterator(); }

   public int getNumberOfPkFields() { return pkFields.size(); }

 public String getTableName() { return tableName; }

 public boolean getCreateTable() { return createTable; }

 public boolean getRemoveTable() { return removeTable; }

 public boolean hasTunedUpdates() { return tunedUpdates; }

 public boolean hasPkConstraint() { return pkConstraint; }

 public int getReadOnlyTimeOut() { return timeOut; }

 public boolean hasCompositeKey() { return compositeKey; }

    //Return appropriate datasource
 public DataSource getDataSource()
        //If a local datasource has been specified use it
            return dataSource;
        //Use the gloabal datasource
            return jawsApplication.getDataSource();

 public String getDbURL() { return jawsApplication.getDbURL(); }

 public Iterator getFinders() { return finders.iterator(); }

 public String getName() { return ejbName; }

 public int getNumberOfCMPFields() { return cmpFields.size(); }

 public Class getPrimaryKeyClass() { return primaryKeyClass; }

 public boolean isReadOnly() { return readOnly; }

    //Added by Vinay Menon  - Start
    public String getStableRowIdColumn() { return stableRowIdColumn; }
    //Added by Vinay Menon  - End

 public Iterator getEjbReferences() { return entity.getEjbReferences(); }

 public String getPrimKeyField() { return entity.getPrimKeyField(); }

 public boolean hasSelectForUpdate() { return selectForUpdate; }

 // XmlLoadable implementation ------------------------------------

 public void importXml(Element element) throws DeploymentException {
  // This method will be called:
  //  - with element = <default-entity> from standardjaws.xml (always)
  //  - with element = <default-entity> from jaws.xml (if provided)
  //  - with element = <entity> from jaws.xml (if provided)

  // All defaults are set during the first call. The following calls
override them.

  // get table name
  String tableStr = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(element,
  if (tableStr != null) tableName = tableStr;

        //get the datasouce name
  String dataSourceName = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(element,

        //if a local datasource name is found bind it and set the local
          // Make sure it is prefixed with java:
            if (!dataSourceName.startsWith("java:/"))
               dataSourceName = "java:/"+dataSourceName;

            // find the datasource
            if (! dataSourceName.startsWith("jdbc:")) {
                try {
                    this.dataSource = (DataSource)new
                } catch (NamingException e) {
                    throw new DeploymentException(e.getMessage());

  // create table?  If not provided, keep default.
  String createStr = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(element,
  if (createStr != null) createTable =

     // remove table?  If not provided, keep default.
  String removeStr = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(element,
  if (removeStr != null) removeTable =

  // tuned updates?  If not provided, keep default.
  String tunedStr = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(element,
  if (tunedStr != null) tunedUpdates =

        //Added by Vinay Menon - Start
        //Get row id for fast stable row id based updates/deletes and
        stableRowIdColumn = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(element,
        //Added by Vinay Menon  - End

  // read only?  If not provided, keep default.
  String roStr = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(element, "read-only"));
     if (roStr != null) readOnly = Boolean.valueOf(roStr).booleanValue();

  String sForUpStr = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(element,
  if (sForUpStr != null) selectForUpdate =
  selectForUpdate = selectForUpdate && !readOnly;

  // read only timeout?
  String toStr = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(element, "time-out"));
  if (toStr != null) timeOut = Integer.valueOf(toStr).intValue();

  // primary key constraint?  If not provided, keep default.
  String pkStr = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(element,
     if (pkStr != null) pkConstraint =

  // cmp fields
  Iterator iterator = getChildrenByTagName(element, "cmp-field");

  while (iterator.hasNext()) {
   Element cmpField = (Element)iterator.next();
   String fieldName = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(cmpField,

   CMPFieldMetaData cmpFieldMetaData = getCMPFieldByName(fieldName);
   if (cmpFieldMetaData == null) {
    // Before we throw an exception, we have to check for nested cmp-fields.
    // We just add a new CMPFieldMetaData.
    if (isDetailedFieldDescription(fieldName)) {
     // We obviously have a cmp-field like "data.categoryPK" in jaws.xml
     // and a cmp-field "data" in ejb-jar.xml.
     // In this case, we assume the "data.categoryPK" as a detailed
description for "data".
     cmpFieldMetaData = new CMPFieldMetaData(fieldName, this);
     cmpFields.put(fieldName, cmpFieldMetaData);
    else {
     throw new DeploymentException("cmp-field '"+fieldName+"' found in
jaws.xml but not in ejb-jar.xml");

  // finders
  iterator = getChildrenByTagName(element, "finder");

  while (iterator.hasNext()) {
   Element finder = (Element)iterator.next();
   FinderMetaData finderMetaData = new FinderMetaData();



  * @return true For a fieldname declared in jaws.xml like "data.categoryPK"
  * there was a fieldname declared in ejb-jar.xml like "data".
 private boolean isDetailedFieldDescription(String fieldName) {
  String fieldBaseName = CMPFieldMetaData.getFirstComponent(fieldName);

  if (detailedFieldDescriptions.containsKey(fieldBaseName)) {
   return true;

  CMPFieldMetaData cmpFieldMetaData = getCMPFieldByName(fieldBaseName);
  if (cmpFieldMetaData == null) {
   return false;
  else {
   detailedFieldDescriptions.put(fieldBaseName, detailedBoolean);
   return true;

 // Package protected ---------------------------------------------

 // Protected -----------------------------------------------------

 // Private -------------------------------------------------------

 // Inner classes -------------------------------------------------

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