> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of marc
> fleury
> Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2001 9:09 PM
> Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] comments on new instance interceptors and
> locking
> [snip
> |- I really think that doing a wait() rather than a wait(5000) is a really
> |really bad idea.  If a transaction timeout happens, I don't
> think a thread
> |that is in a ctx.wait() or a ctx.getTxLock().wait() will ever wakeup and
> |actually do a rollback and release all it's locked entities and
> resources.
> hmmm analyse that again.  If someone is waiting and the transaction
> times-out (the one waiting) the upon waking up you see that in
> the loop. If
> the transaction in the component times out, well actually that is
> one of the
> bugs I fixed, then you do get notified with a txLock.notifyAll().
> what case can go wrong?

I'll do this on Monday, but if somebody feels the itch, try out the classic
deadlock scenario and see if it actually times out and rollsback the

Trans 1:       Trans 2:
get A                   get B
sleep                   sleep
get B                   get A

I'm very suspicious that it won't rollback and release with the wait() code
in there.

> |I am VERY unfamiliar with the TM code, but take a look at
> |TxCapsule.timedOut().  This method only marks the transaction as ROLLING
> |back and does nothing else.  I can find no where in the jboss
> |codebase where
> |Thread.interrupt() is called in relation to transaction timeouts.
> |(I'd test
> |out this theory myself, but I'm on "vacation" and won't really be able to
> |until Monday.)
> I am not following you, expand when you come back.  A transaction time out
> doesn't interupt the thread I don't even think we need to, it wakes up and
> tests for timeout.

When the transaction times out, who will wakeup threads in
EntityInstanceInterceptor doing a wait()?  Again, when a timeout happens, I
think the TM only marks the transaction as STATUS_ROLLBACK, and doesn't do
any interrupting or do a loop through the transaction's
InstanceSynchronizations.  I'll try out the classic deadlock scenario on

> |I guess there is 2 solutions here.  One, have transaction timeouts
> |interrupt
> |their threads, or Two, have a wait(5000) block in
> EntityInstanceInterceptor
> |as well as:
> re: taste wait(5000) or wait(), I actually found the above bug by turning
> the wait() :)
> take your previous catch, you got it by looking at the code, if
> not then we
> would have gotten it immediately because someone would have said "lock,
> freeze".  I would rather hear about it early on than not, when it is
> stabilized and we go with a production version I have no problem about
> putting wait(5000);

Oh, ok, so wait() is in there for debugging purposes.

> |Well, I hope I'm making sense here.  It's the 4th and I have a
> |belly full of
> |beer and BBQ.


> hey thanks, I feel I am in a fighter plane and I am working on oxygen
> supply, not much to breeze in that code so I am always happy to
> see a fellow
> bomber plane fly by, feel less alone.
> Actually good work very useful and I am impressed and there is
> much more we
> can do.

My motivations are purely selfish.  This stuff is fun!(Yes, I'm a dork...).

Now, I'm really off until Monday,


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