I thought I had my app working again, but that was just a dream. =|  Does
anyone have a clue why I might be getting "Transactional contention on
context" messages?

I have one thread invoking a session bean in a loop, that session bean
creates two entities then queues a JMS message, then returns.  This is what
I cann the request spooler.

I have a mdb reading those messages, performing some action, then responsing
to a different queue.

On a large job (where each message contains 10k bits of work... not much
data, but it takes 10 seconds to build the request) and lets say 50 messages
get generated.  I am getting about half the way through spooling and then
one of the Entities just hangs and as the comments say:

   note that we use wait() and not wait(5000), why?
   cause we got cojones, if there a problem in this code we
     want a freeze not illusion

So I have not illusions, it hangs... =(  Any clues as to were I might look
to fix this?  I am fairly sure that it is not an application problem, but
there is always a chance.


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