
On 10 Aug 2001 09:47:59 -0400, Hiram Chirino wrote:
> Paul Kendal commited some major chanages to JBossMQ yesterday..  I have not 
> had time to review them..  I'm not even sure if Paul keeps an eye on the 
> mailing lists...

whatever it was that Paul did, it helped stabilize JBossMQ a LOT. 

i've got a test client which used to lockup JBossMQ very quickly (it
keeps throwing messages at a queue which then "multiplies" this message
by a random number between [1-20] and sends the message to a
"Sink"-queue where they just gets consumed, nothing complicated) and
this thing runs like a breeze now. No lockups, even with ~5000msgs
floating around JBossMQ concurrently, using RMI, UIL and OIL invocation
layers intermixed. also the db/jbossmq files get cleaned up nicely as
far as I can see.

ahhh, the joys. paul: kudos! (and to the rest of the team: nice work,

one more question looming over my head: is this stuff going to be
backported into jboss 2.4? i would strongly recommend this as the
current MQ in 2.4 is severly borked by random lockups even under light
load (~100msgs at a time manage to lock it up real quickly).

best regards,

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