
> Does anyone know what the cost of the isXXXEnabled() methods are? 
>  Should we
> define booleans after Category creation, that can cache these values to
> improve speed, or just keep calling isXXXEnabled() each time?

>From the log4j sources:
  boolean isDebugEnabled() {
    if(hierarchy.disable >=  Priority.DEBUG_INT)
      return false;   
    return Priority.DEBUG.isGreaterOrEqual(this.getChainedPriority());

The getChainedPriority is a recursive method:
    for(Category c = this; c != null; c=c.parent)
       if(c.priority != null) 
         return c.priority;

Save the result in a boolean and test the boolean will improve performance.
I am not at all a performance guru, I have no idea at which level it will.

It is a good idea to do what you propose.

> --jason


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