User: slaboure
  Date: 01/08/17 07:32:35

  Added:       src/docs howtoclientapplet.xml
  Added HOWTO for Applets
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  manual/src/docs/howtoclientapplet.xml
  Index: howtoclientapplet.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!-- edited with XML Spy v3.5 NT ( by none (none) -->
                        <section id="howtoclientapplet">
                                <title>How to use Applets to access EJBs in 
                                <para>Author: <author>
                                        <email>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</email>
                                                <para>This document applies to JBoss 
release 2.4 and later. If you are
  using an earlier version of JBoss upgrade to the 2.4 version or later.</para>
                                <section id="ClientAppletIntroduction">
                                        <para>This chapter describes how to access 
EJBs running in JBoss from an Applet running in a browser.</para>
                                        <para>When a JVM runs an Applet, it verifies 
its conformity to a set of security rules which have been established in order to 
protect the user from malicious code. Some of these rules are:</para>
                                                        <para>No access to the local 
                                                        <para>No access to any host on 
the Internet but the one from which the Applet was downloaded</para>
                                                        <para>Restricted access to 
system properties</para>
                                                <para>More information on the Applet 
security model can be found here: <ulink 
                                        <para>These restrictions do have consequences 
on what can be done from a client Applet that want to access EJBs over the 
linkend="clientappletunsigned">Unsigned client applet</link>
linkend="clientappletsigned">Signed client applet</link>
                                <section id="clientappletunsigned">
                                        <title>Restricted (unsigned) Applet</title>
                                        <para>The main consequence of the sandbox on 
EJB access from an Applet is that we will need to download the Applet from a Web 
server that has the same IP address as the J2EE server running the EJB we want to 
access. Nevertheless, it is still possible, thanks to IP traffic load-balancers for 
example, to have more than one server hidden behind a single IP address.</para>
                                        <para>In our example, we will build a 
stateless session bean that simply returns the server date and hostname in a friendly 
message. To try this example, you’d better install the Java plug-in: support for 
Java in Web  browsers in somewhat hazardous.</para>
                                        <para>We first build our remote 
                                        <programlisting><![CDATA[public interface 
TestApplet extends EJBObject
     public String getMessage() throws RemoteException;
                                        <para>And the Home interface:</para>
                                        <programlisting><![CDATA[public interface 
TestAppletHome extends EJBHome
     public TestApplet create() throws RemoteException, CreateException;
                                        <para>Now the simple EJB implementation:</para>
                                        <programlisting><![CDATA[public class 
TestAppletBean implements SessionBean
     private SessionContext sessionContext;
     public void ejbCreate() {}
     public void ejbRemove() {}
     public void ejbActivate() {}
     public void ejbPassivate(){}
     public void setSessionContext(SessionContext context)
        sessionContext = context;
     public String getMessage()
        String hostname = "Unknown host";
           hostname = ().getHostName ();
        } catch ( uhe) { }
        String now = java.text.DateFormat.getDateInstance().format (new 
        System.out.println ("getMessage has been called from Applet!");
        return "Hello from " + hostname + ", here it is: " + now + ".";
                                        <para>And its associated ejb-jar.xml 
                                        <programlisting><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 
1.1//EN' ''>
                                        <para>We now implements a simple Applet that 
will have a single button. When pressed, the Applet will call the EJB and display its 
                                        <programlisting><![CDATA[public class 
AppletEjbCaller extends JApplet
     JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
     JButton callEjbButton = new JButton();
     JPanel labelPanel = new JPanel();
     JLabel ejbMessageLabel = new JLabel();
     // Construct the Applet
     public AppletEjbCaller () {}
     // Initialize the applet
     public void init()
           this.setSize(new Dimension(400, 65));
           callEjbButton.setText("Get server message");
           callEjbButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
           ejbMessageLabel.setText("no call performed yet.");
           this.getContentPane().add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
           buttonPanel.add(callEjbButton, null);
           this.getContentPane().add(labelPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
           labelPanel.add(ejbMessageLabel, null);
        catch(Exception e)
     /**Get Applet information*/
     public String getAppletInfo()
        return "JBoss EJB client Applet demo";
     void callEjbButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
           Properties jndiProps = new Properties() ;
           String myServer = this.getCodeBase().getHost ();
"org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory" ) ;
           jndiProps.setProperty("java.naming.provider.url", myServer ) ;
"org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces" ) ;
           TestAppletHome home = (TestAppletHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow( new 
InitialContext(jndiProps).lookup( "TestAppletBean" ),
TestAppletHome.class) ;
           TestApplet remote = home.create() ;
           ejbMessageLabel.setText( remote.getMessage() ) ;
        catch ( SecurityException se )
           se.printStackTrace ();
           ejbMessageLabel.setText (se.toString ());
        catch( Exception ex )
           System.err.println( "APPLET" );
                                        <para>One of the most important part of this 
Applet are these two lines:</para>
                                        <programlisting><![CDATA[String myServer = 
this.getCodeBase().getHost ();
  jndiProps.setProperty("java.naming.provider.url", myServer ) ;]]></programlisting>
                                        <para>We make sure that we access the server 
from which we have just been downloaded. Attempt to access another server would raise 
a security exception.</para>
                                                <para>you need to access your HTML 
page from the hostname or IP address to which the EJB server is bound! For the 
sandbox, and are two different hosts even if in reality they 
represent the same host.</para>
                                                <para>Consequently, if you access your 
web page through and, in your code, attempt to reach 
your EJB at IP, an exception will be raised.</para>
                                                <para>Un-trusted Applets are very 
sensitive to their environment! For example, imagine you access your web page through 
the IP address. The Applet will use this address when performing the lookup 
on the JNDI tree to get the home proxy. This will work. But you have no control 
codebase address used by the RMI subsystem on the server to allow dynamic code 
                                                                        <para>The RMI 
target that the proxy holds</para>
                                                <para>In consequence, as soon as the 
first EJB invocation will be fired or as soon as the client will need to dynamically 
load code from the server, it will use the address specified on the server i.e. and a security exception will be raised.</para>
                                        <para>We also need an HTML page from which the 
Applet will be launched:</para>
  <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
  HTML Test Page
  Here is the demo Applet for EJB access coming below...<BR>
  <!-- CONVERTER VERSION 1.3 -->
  <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
      var _info = navigator.userAgent; var _ns = false;
      var _ie = (_info.indexOf("MSIE") > 0 && _info.indexOf("Win") > 0 && 
_info.indexOf("Windows 3.1") < 0);
  <COMMENT><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"><!--
      var _ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") >= 0 && ((_info.indexOf("Win") 
> 0 && 
                 _info.indexOf("Win16") < 0 && 
java.lang.System.getProperty("os.version").indexOf("3.5") < 0) 
                 || (_info.indexOf("Sun") > 0) || (_info.indexOf("Linux") > 0)));
  <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
      if (_ie == true) document.writeln('<OBJECT 
classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" WIDTH = 400 
                       HEIGHT = 100 NAME = "AppletEjbCaller"
      else if (_ns == true) document.writeln('<EMBED 
                            CODE = 
"" CODEBASE = "." 
                            ARCHIVE = "AppletClient.jar, jboss-client.jar, 
jboss-j2ee.jar, jbosssx-client.jar,
                            jnp-client.jar, jndi.jar, jaas.jar" NAME = 
"AppletEjbCaller" WIDTH = 400 HEIGHT = 100  
  <APPLET  CODE = "" CODEBASE = "." 
ARCHIVE = "AppletClient.jar, 
  jboss-client.jar, jboss-j2ee.jar, jbosssx-client.jar, jnp-client.jar, jndi.jar, 
jaas.jar" WIDTH = 400 
  HEIGHT = 100 NAME = "AppletEjbCaller"></XMP>
  <PARAM NAME = ARCHIVE VALUE = "AppletClient.jar, jboss-client.jar, jboss-j2ee.jar, 
  jnp-client.jar, jndi.jar, jaas.jar" >
  <PARAM NAME = NAME VALUE = "AppletEjbCaller" >
  <PARAM NAME="type" VALUE="application/x-java-applet;version=1.3">
  <PARAM NAME="scriptable" VALUE="false">
ARCHIVE = "AppletClient.jar, 
  jboss-client.jar, jboss-j2ee.jar, jbosssx-client.jar, jnp-client.jar, jndi.jar, 
  WIDTH = 400 HEIGHT = 100 NAME = "AppletEjbCaller">
                                        <para>This HTML file has been transformed, 
from a standard HTML file with a standard &lt;applet&gt; tag definition by the SUN 
HTML converter for their Java plugin. This tools reads HTML files and replaces 
standard applet definition by browser specific declarations that will call the Java 
Plugin at runtime instead of the embedded JVM.</para>
                                        <para>You then need to:<itemizedlist>
                                                                <para>deploy our 
stateless session bean</para>
                                                                <para>copy the 
AppletEjbCaller.jar, jboss-client.jar, jboss-j2ee.jar, jbosssx-client.jar, 
jnp-client.jar, jndi.jar, jaas.jar (found in the Jboss/client folder) and the HTML 
file in a directory and share it for web access.</para>
                                                You should now be able to use your 
applet to access your bean.
                                        <para>While building the provided example, if 
the JBoss distribution is correctly referenced in the build script, the build process 
will automatically deploy the bean in JBoss and copy the Applet JAR and HTML file to 
the JBoss client folder.</para>
                                <section id="clientappletsigned">
                                        <title>Signed client Applet</title>
                                        <para>One way to easily use Applets for EJB 
access is to circumvents the sandbox! This can be done by signing the Applet and all 
code it uses. When downloaded from a browser, it indicates to the user that this 
Applet is signed by a particular entity and ask for the permission to suppress the 
sandbox restriction.</para>
                                        <para>The main problem with Applet signing is 
that almost each JVM vendor/browser requires its own method! For this reason, we will 
concentrate on the JDK 1.3 plugin from SUN that can be plugged in any browser on many 
platforms. Thus, use of signed Applets is more interesting in a controlled environment 
such as an intranet.</para>
                                                <title>Signing an Applet</title>
                                                <para>To sign an Applet, you first 
need to obtain a valid certificate. There are mainly two ways:<orderedlist>
                                                                        <para>Buy a 
code signing certificate from a recognised Java Plugin company (Thawtes or Verisign 
for example). <note>
 <para>To get the list of the recognised emitters for a particular JDK Plugin, you can 
run this command:</para>
 <programlisting>keytool -keystore KEY_STORE -list</programlisting>
 <para>where KEY_STORE represent your JDK default keystore, generally available in 
 <para>When asked for a password, the default value is "changeit".</para>
your own certificate. For this, you can run this command:<programlisting>keytool 
-keystore KEY_STORE -genkey</programlisting>You will then be prompted for your key 
information. You then need to insert this key in the key store of all computers that 
will be used to access the Applet. This can be done by this command:                   
         <programlisting>keytool -keystore KEY_STORE -import -alias ANY_NAME -file 
                                                <para>As you can see it, if you can 
afford a certificate from a recognised emitter, it is worth the pain.</para>
                                                        <para>The Java plugin security 
documentation states that, on WIN32 systems, the JVM will also look in Windows 
keystore for recognised certificates emitters. Thus it would also be possible to get a 
certificate from on of the Internet Explorer emitters or add you own key to Windows 
keystore (which is just a matter of double-clicking on a certificate file). While this 
has been true for the first release of the JDK 1.3, future revision (1.3_001 and 
1.3_002) have lost this capability without the documentation being updated. Recent 
feedback seems to indicate that this feature is again supported in release 1.3.1 of 
the Java Plugin.</para>
                                                        <para>Next, you need to sign 
your JARs. Not only your Applet Jar, but all JARs that are being used by your Applet. 
Consequently, all JBoss JARs mentioned in the first part (jboss-client.jar, 
jboss-j2ee.jar, jbosssx-client.jar, jnp-client.jar, jndi.jar, jaas.jar) also need to 
be signed. You may also group all these JARs in a single JAR and thus sign only the 
resulting JAR.</para>
                                                        <para>Signing a JAR can be 
done by executing the following command:</para>
-keystore KEY_STORE -genkey -storepass STORE_PASS JAR_FILE 
                                                        <para>Or, if using ANT:</para>
jar="${build.lib.dir}/monitron_Applet_client_bean.jar" keystore="${}" 
alias="${}" storepass="${}"/>]]></programlisting>
                                                        <para>Everytime the JAR is 
re-generated, it needs to be signed again. As the signing operation can be quite time 
consuming, it is generally better to first sign JBoss JAR and then only sign your own 
JAR(s). Thus, JBoss JARs need only be signed once.</para>

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