Today I finally was able to stabalize my app with the HEAD branch (which I
have been trying todo for the past few months).   I still have to do much QA
before I am willing to take this to production.  I expect a few minor snags,
but nothing major *fingers crossed*.

Any ways, I think that with all of the JBossMQ, entity locking & logging
changes that it might be the most stable JBoss ever (well at least more
stable than the version I have used).

I am not sure what you are planning for a release schedule.  I remember
something a while back about some number of months, but I can not recall
what they were at the moment.

How about a 3-6 month schedule, which moves based on feature completion,
would work out the best.  But that is just a wild guess backed by a
little preference.

On an unrelated note, I should have time this week to improve the build
system docs as win32 build scripts.  I would still like to create a area to drop all this (plus more) into.
Probably move cvs stuff there too.

Is this going to be ok?

Hopefully I can also get to the manual & testsuite modules too, so that
everything is integrated.


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