
> > When a client of an EJB can use RMI to access an EJB is it
> > then also true that the EJB can use an RMI callback object
> > (sent by the client) to send information back to the client ?
> No, that does only work in certain situations .. if server and client
> share the same network, for instance. It depends, if the server can reach
> the client, it should be possible. If the client is behind a firewall /
> proxy and / or there's something like SOCKS or NAT in between, it's not
> possible at all.
> As a rule of thumb, you can say YES for an intranet / extranet and NO for
> connections through the internet.

Normally I use RMI to call the EJB therefore the client can reach the EJB.
Does this also implies that the EJB can reach the client ??

> > Let's say the client want to register an Event Listener on the
> > EJB where then the events are sent back through the RMI call-
> > back to the client.
> Did you want to implement a cache, that is notified, when data on the
> server's chaning ;-)

No, the idea is that I can send events coming from JMX back to a client.


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