I am playing with the current sources and testing a 1 to many 
relationship. I have the following two tables

order  with pk: int objectid
pk: int order_oid,int line_num

The link..

There is a 1 to many relationship between Order and orderdetail. When 
you go to access the collection it tries to look up the orderdetail 
lines with order_oid_objectid. In
it always appends the the other side of the relationships field to the 
query fieldname. This does not seem right, if there is another field 
name that is the forgien key then I should specify it otherwise it 
should default to the selected field. I guess you would run into 
problems if the key was a composite and you had to match the two up. 
Flips through the spec .... Nope the spec only alllows for 1 field to be 
the forgein key

As aside I can see the next problem coming. Really this collection 
should be loaded ordered by line_num but there is no way to specify this 
in the EJB 2.0 spec. (order is not defined) Maybe something for 

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