More specifically, the ablity to specify a tx attribute for a call to a jmx
service would be really cool.  Since nothing interacts directly with the
service object except the local agent, it could use the interceptor design
to provide configurable transaction control on a per method basis.  Services
are could be EJB's in a way.  Instead of being session, entity, they are
services, which have only one instance... blah, blah, blah.


On Thu, 30 Aug 2001, Rickard Öberg wrote:

> Jason Dillon wrote:
> > > don't need EJB's anymore, just plain jane
> > > MBeans and JDO will do the trick :-)
> >
> > What deals with transactions?
> Either do JDO transactions manually, or make a simple generic proxy that
> deals with it by calling JDO transactions or JTA.
> > Do you think you have lost anything?
> Nope. EntityBeans -> JDO, stateless session beans -> POJO's (Plain Old
> Java Objects). Stateful session bean stuff is done in web session.
> I've gained a lot though, since MBeans are inherently more manageable
> (how do you manage/configure beans at runtime? you don't!), and there's
> no distribution which means I can drop all the value object nonsense.
> > > Maybe a twinkle of Jini just for
> > > fun. And it's...ahhh.. manageable... :-)
> >
> > Jini sounds like an ideal way to group together JMX Agents.  As well as
> > building a fault tolerant distributed event system.
> It is indeed so.
> /Rickard

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