The configuration of jboss 3.0 is not so centralized.  It occurs in
jboss.jcml-like files either named jboss-service.xml and included in
META-INF/ in a sar or jsr (jar format file with such a jboss-service.xml
file) or a standalone *-service.xml file, typically found in  the deploy or
deploy/lib directory. Each of these files is independently
deployable/undpeloyable subject to dependencies. What goes where is under
rapid change.

I don't know what happened to Tomcat integration, however Scott has
promised Catalina integration by next week sometime-- I assume this
includes for rh but am not certain.

david jencks

On 2001.09.20 04:55:05 -0400 Yohan Fernando wrote:
> Can anyone tell me where the configuration files for Jboss 3.0 are 
> located? The $JBOSS_HOME/conf/default directory does not seem to have 
> files like jboss.jcml (as in 2.4). If anyone could point me to the new 
> configuration files or could point me in the direction of docs, it would 
> be great.
> Also where has tomcat integration gone? has it been permenantly ditched 
> in favour of jetty??
> Yohan
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