
[relating to bug 463210 which is submitted]:

> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=376685&aid=463210&group_id=22866
> Category: JBossCMP
> Group: v2.4 (stable)
> [...]
> Initial Comment:
> i've just discovered a very odd bug: when using
> commit-option "C" for my CMP-based entity beans, the
> SQL DELETE command that gets sent to the Database has
> the PK set to NULL:

i've just attached a small test-case to this on sourceforge and i've
also narrowed it down a bit: its not in direct relation to the PK being
set to NULL on commit-option C, it rather seems that the last field that
is defined as being a CMP-field is set to NULL (which incidentally in my
first test was the PK b/c the table only had one attribute. i've now
added a value attribute besides the PK and now the value gets set to
NULL ... strange indeed). you will see this when running the test-case
and looking at the debug-output from JAWS.

hope this helps,

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