Ok, so 20 or so e-mails later the summary ..

1) Right now if I want to use order I have to use declared-sql with an 
order by clause but dain wants to add an order tag to the xml config file.

2) For dynamic queries I just use declared-sql and do my normal SQL 
query. This could also be used if I had some strange SQL functions that 
needed to be called.

3) For only retreiving a partial list I'll have to use the limit and 
offset options in delcared-sql and then write some sort of wrapper 
object that keeps track of the current offset in the table as well as a 
limit size.

So, I'll take my declared-sql and crawl back under the rock I came from.


Dain Sundstrom wrote:

> The example you have given  can be done today with declared-sql.
> Declared-sql is designed to satify 95% of the cases.  The other 5% are very
> important and should be addressed.  I most large applications there are a
> few queries that must be hand optimized, and it would be nice to do this
> declarativly. Additionally, there are several features in standard sql that
> are not available in ejb-ql, such as group-by.  I think this is important
> but not critical, and that is why I have not started working on it.

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