
There are a few changes in log4j 1.2 that require your attention.

The Category class has been replaced with the Logger class. The change is
mostly backward compatible except for sublcasses of Category. (JBoss uses
its own subclass of Category.) More precisely, the
org.apache.log4j.spi.CategoryFactory has been removed. It has been replaced
with the org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerFactory class. For most users this
change is invisible. However, if you have sub-classed the Category class
then you must modify your sub-class to extend Logger instead of Category.
You must also use LoggerFactory instead of CategoryFactory. 

Please see 
for more information.

I also strongly recommend against sub-classing Logger (or Category) to
introduce new printing methods, you can use the general purpose log method
instead. For example,
for some category-subclass object x instead of writing
you can write
  x.log(SomePrioritySubclass.TRACE, "hello");

If I am not mistaken, JBoss also uses deprecated and now removed methods
such as getOptions/setOptions in its own appenders. There is no need for
this as log4j uses introspection to configure its appenders and layouts. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Regards, Ceki

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