Hello Rick, 
Which kind of bean are you using i.e. what is the target of your clients? If they are SLSB, round robin is used. For SFSB (not yet available, under development), calls for a same SFSB will always be targeted at the same node and, if this node dies, be redirected to a (number of backups is user-definable) backup node that will have its last known state. 
In the future, we may imagine to have load-balancing policies user-definable through jboss.xml (not hard to do). In the meantime, take a look at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.jrmp13.server.JRMPContainerInvokerHA (in the cluster module)
P.S. Home calls (create) are always load-balanced
I was wondering what the easiest way to define custom load balancing polices would be.  We have an application which hosts multiple clients and we would like to develop a policy that ensures all requests for a particular client goes to the same server for each request so the their data is cached in one place.  I think it would be farily easy to implement on top of a RoundRobin policy that exists just not really sure where to start.  Any pointers?

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