On Thu, 15 Nov 2001, David Maplesden wrote:

> You might be jumping the gun a bit with this one.  tools.jar is only needed
> afaik for Jasper i.e. when Jetty (or Tomcat) needs to serve jsp pages.  Not
> everyone will want this, indeed many people will probably run JBoss without
> a servlet engine, and so they won't need tools.jar.

The way I did the packaging for debian, is I made a separate
jboss-tomcat-service.deb, which doesn't always have to be installed, and have
this do the nescessary setup in the init script(/etc/init.d/jboss-server).

Of course, I'm not quite ready to make these available yet(they are still only
alpha quality, and have debian packaging issues that may only be fixable by
someone who knows the internals of debian).

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