> OK i'm playing with the latest RH CVS and testing out 1 to many 
> relations (bi directional). So ..
> Table1 {
>   primary_key int,
> }
> TableMany {
>   primary_key int,
>   table1_key  int,
> }
> class Table1 {
>    int getPrimary_key()
>    Collection getTableMany();
> }
> class TableMany {
>    int getPrimary_key();
>    int getTable1_key();
> }
> the problem is that when it tries to fetch TableMany it looks for a 
> field  called table1_key_primary_key. It would seem that the 
> default key 
> should not be made up but the foreign key of the other side of the 
> relationship. So line 80 of JDBCRelationshipRoleMetaData.java should 
> just be
> tempCmrFieldName = relatedRole.getEntityName();

1. Defaults can be overridden.

2. What happens when you have two one-to-many relationships between Table1
and TableMany?


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