Bugs item #463320, was opened at 2001-09-20 13:09
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Category: JBossCMP
Group: v2.4 (stable)
>Status: Closed
Resolution: None
Priority: 8
Submitted By: Tejaswi Kasturi (zedmanauk)
Assigned to: Andreas Schaefer (schaefera)
Summary: Finders not seeing updates

Initial Comment:
I'm seeing this problem with JBoss 2.4.1 (and 2.4.1a
and 2.2.2). This problem does NOT occur in 2.4.0, which
leads me to believe it was fixed and then broke again:

(This is all with CMP)

(1) Start a TX
(2) Update data on a bean (call it A, class MyBean)
(for ex., set LinkID to 2 where it was 1 before)
(3) Run a finder to retrieve all the MyBeans which
match a certain criteria. (for ex., find all MyBeans
where LinkID = 1).

The finder shows the state of the beans before the
update (for ex. the retrieved list still includes A,
even though its LinkID has changed and is no longer
equal to 1), even though it is in the same TX as the
update. I should see the state of the table after the

 JBoss 3.0.0alpha as of 9/20/2001 also has the correct
behavior, like 2.4.0. Here's a snippet of code that I'm
running in a transaction:

public void go(long ID, long linkID) {
try {
EJBTest ejbtest = getEJBTest(ID);
long origLinkID = ejbtest.getLinkID();

Collection coll = getEJBTestByLinkID(origLinkID);
for (Iterator i = coll.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
EJBTest test = (EJBTest) i.next();

System.out.println("ID: " + test.getID() + " linkID: "
+ test.getLinkID());
catch ...

getEJBTest and getEJBTestByLinkID just invoke the
appropriate finders.

Starting with two entries:
ID=1, LinkID=1
ID=2, LinkID=1

I run go in a tx with parameters (1, 2).
In JBoss 2.4.0 (and 3.0.0alpha), the println returns:
ID: 2 linkID: 1
as it should
In JBoss 2.4.1 (and 2.4.1a) it returns:
ID: 1 linkID: 2
ID: 2 linkID: 1

which means the finder is not working correctly.

I've attached my jar file with the beans and source.


>Comment By: Bill Burke (patriot1burke)
Date: 2001-11-16 13:41

Logged In: YES 

This is fixed in 2.4.4.  It is my fault.  I missed this 
when I did the backmerge from 3.0 to 2.4.1. Sorry.  2.4.4 
will be released soon.


Comment By: Tejaswi Kasturi (zedmanauk)
Date: 2001-11-16 13:33

Logged In: YES 

2.4.3 is also exhibiting incorrect behavior.


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