|This means the class loader is not set correctly or that the class loader
|is more nested than the check performed by the JRMPContainerInvoker
|is making can handle. This is the check that Marc mentioned earlier that he
|was going to remove. When this is done this test will either succeed or
|fail with a ClassCastException.



|----- Original Message -----
|From: "Julian Gosnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 5:17 PM
|Subject: [JBoss-dev] JBoss3/Jetty4: Optimized call had serialized
|> I have now plumbed in, thanks to David Jencks, a working copy of jetty4
|> (Servlet2.3, JSP 1.2).
|> I am running the WebIntegrationUnitTestCase from the testsuite and all
|> is going well.
|> A quick question:
|> Is this exception something someone is aware of - or is it more likely
|> that I have made a mistake?
|> I figure optimised calls are made if the current thread's
|> ContextClassLoader is correctly set - so they either happen or don't -
|> howcome then we are in an inconsistant state here, where we prepare to
|> make a serialised call and then it turns out to be optimised ?
|> Thanks for your time,
|> Jules
|> [01:10:08,484,Default] StatelessSessionBean2.ejbCreate() called
|> [01:10:08,497,Default] StatelessSessionBean2.noop,
|> test.wasSerialized=true, optimized=true
|> [01:10:08,510,StatelessSessionContainer] invoke returned an exception
|> java.rmi.ServerException: Optimized call had serialized argument; nested
|> exception is:
|>  javax.ejb.EJBException: Optimized call had serialized argument
|> javax.ejb.EJBException: Optimized call had serialized argument
|>  at
|>  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
|>  at
|>  at
|>  at
|>  at
|>  at
|> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxInterceptorCMT.invoke(TxInterceptorCMT.java:65)
|>  at
|>  at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor.invoke(LogInterceptor.java:166)
|>  at
|>  at org.jboss.ejb.Container.invoke(Container.java:528)
|>  at
|> com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1555)
|>  at
|> com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1523)
|>  at
|>  at
|>  at
|>  at
|>  at $Proxy95.noop(Unknown Source)
|>  at
|>  at
|>  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:740)
|>  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
|>  at
|> org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(ServletHolder.java:289)
|>  at
|> org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle(ServletHandler.java:526)
|>  at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(HttpContext.java:1132)
|>  at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(HttpContext.java:1086)
|>  at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.service(HttpServer.java:723)
|>  at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.service(HttpConnection.java:745)
|>  at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handleNext(HttpConnection.java:918)
|>  at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handle(HttpConnection.java:760)
|>  at
|> org.mortbay.http.SocketListener.handleConnection(SocketListener.java:138)
|>  at org.mortbay.util.ThreadedServer.handle(ThreadedServer.java:287)
|>  at org.mortbay.util.ThreadPool$JobRunner.run(ThreadPool.java:715)
|>  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
|> [01:10:08,597,Jetty] WARNING: GET /jbosstest/EJBOnStartupServlet
|> HTTP/1.1
|> java.rmi.ServerException: Optimized call had serialized argument; nested
|> exception is:
|>  javax.ejb.EJBException: Optimized call had serialized argument
|> javax.ejb.EJBException: Optimized call had serialized argument
|>  <<no stack trace available>>
|> [01:10:08,617,Jetty] ENCServlet: init
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