
I just tried to get jboss.net in-sync with the latest RH changes and now I
am catching a strange 

java.lang.IllegalStateException: zip file closed 

when trying to access resources that have been placed in my jboss-net.sar! 

In my mbean, I´m doing a
getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(<relative_filename>) which returns
as expected a non-null URL. But doing an 
openStream() on that URL will provoque the above Exception ... which I guess
is due to the fact that the JarFile-Cache (shudder) of JarURLConnection is
an already closed file. 

But who has closed that file? Why is it that classloading works, but
resource loading does not? 

Has there been some change to deployer/system or other code that could hint
to the reason of above bevaviour?

I remember Marc and Rickard discussing things related to "closing and
reopening of urlconnections" one or two day ago, but could not find any
related updated to the codebase.

CGJ ("Dr. Schorsch")
Currently spinnin´ all-time soul classic: Larry Heard, "Another night"

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