Bugs item #489294, was opened at 2001-12-05 00:58
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Category: JBossServer
Group: v2.4 BETA (stable)
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Konstantin Pribluda (ko5tik)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Security Problem (Stopper!!!!)

Initial Comment:
I encountered this problem in JB 2.4.2-TC-3.2.1
( not sure with tomcat ) and tested it with

Problem can be reproduced really easy:

1. Take JSP which includes another jsp
via <jsp:include>.

2. Put it under security control. 

3. Put following in cour jsp:

<%= SecurityAssociation.getPrincipal().toString() %>
before <jsp:include>
And place it also after <jsp:include>

4. Watch those funny null pointer errors, and try to 
find where they come, and what they mean. 

with Principal stored SecurityAssociation == null
you can forget about security stuff while calling
your EJB - they get no principal and no roles
propagated to them. 

Why it happens ( my humble option ):

<jsp:include> issues some kind of subrequest, so 
JBossSecurityMgrRealm.postService() is called. 
It resets any security setting.

PS: I need a quick solution. ASAP, if possible

I'm not sure I can fix it myself the right way. 
Was principal zeroing good for something?
Can I subclass JBossSecurityMgrRealm and 
disable this behaviour?

What would happen then?


>Comment By: Konstantin Pribluda (ko5tik)
Date: 2001-12-05 10:03

Logged In: YES 

Well, I just waded through tomcat code, and also added
some debug outputs anf found that

JbossSecurityMgrReaml resets  SecurityAssociation on 
end of every subrequest. This is WRONG!!!!!

After first <jsp:include> there is no more 

( BTW, why do you reset it? To prevent leaking of 
authentication to not-secured template objects? )


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