> > I haven't pursued the threadlocal issue. I do not explicitly set them
up, so I am
> > assuming someone else is responsible for tidying them up..... Of course,
I could be
> > wrong.... :-)
> I still think that somebody needs to look at this.  Using ThreadLocals to
> threads is probably cool for passing control to third party objects and
allowing them
> to also be authenticated.
> However it simply does not address the problems of a) Threads started by
> threads (should you authorize threadgroups???) and b) Thread pools.
a) is a configurable attribute of the SecurityAssociation layer. You can
choose to
allow child threads to inherit the parent thread identity or not.
b) The only issue with thread pools is leaking security credentials. If
there is a single
authentication layer as is the case for an embedded container, the thread
simply needs to be established or cleared for the top level request. If this
is not
the case you need to establish and clear the identity on request boundaries.

> Currently over time, every thread in a thread pool will get authorized for
some user
> or other and there is no mechanism that I know to remove that
> Thread pooling is such common practise, that any security mechanism must
handle it.
> Either the Jboss mechanism needs to stop using ThreadLocals, or a bullet
proof mechanism
> needs to be provided for removing authorization from threads that are
returned to
> the pools.
We have no plans on dropping the use of thread locals as there is simply no
easy mechanism for propagating the top level caller identity to the
arbitrary components
that can be called within the scope of a request.

Integrate the JBoss/Jetty security layer as a request interceptor that
a request start and end notification. You have to handled nested requests
due to
inclusion, but its not hard and you establish the caller identity on entry
and clear
it on completion of the top level request. This is how the tomcat
integration is done.


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