Actually I finished a patch for the create<Method> stuff, i havent 
uploaded it. there is a minor change in the old patch that will allow it 
to work in the newer builds of JBoss 3. (Since the classloader stuff 
changed) and of course the entity stuff is slightly harder since it has 
to occur in only ejb 2.0 entities. I haven't fully tested the patch is 
the only reason i havent uploaded it to the patches.


Rhett Aultman wrote:

>I finally got some free time to seriously look over the stateful session bean 
>create<method> patch previously discussed, and between that and my source code 
>explorations, I think I can roll together a patch to give create<method> support for 
>entity beans.  As previously stated, it is part of the EJB 2.0 spec, so it does need 
>to get done.  The snapshot downloads are down,  but the CVS checkins make it look 
>like nobody's jumped in on this.  Before I sit down and attempt to make the changes, 
>though, I wanted to double-check that nobody on jboss-devel was working on this (or 
>has already done this).  If you happen to be, please drop me an email so I know I'm  
>wasting my time.  Thanks! :)

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