Cool idea to solve the class loading dependency, but I think we still 
need explicit dependency declarations.  The problem I still see is the 
need to have some services started (i.e. initialized) before others 
(e.g. db driver setup before a ejb can deploy).

Oh, I just thought of another problem.  In my code, I try to load the 
classes that are specified in the deployment descriptor.  What happens 
if the user makes a typo and I try to load something like 
java.lang.OObject.  Will deployment hang forever?


marc fleury wrote:

> |I don't think this is a problem. The client is most likely a thread started
> |by noticing a new package.  Anyway, I think we need anyway a list of
> |"waiting deployments" -- partly deployed stuff that is waiting.  Now we
> Yes, I am afraid of the verbosity of it.
> |have mbeans that can be waiting for mbeans, with marc's idea we'd have
> |classes waiting for classes also.  If we can look at the list and say "
> not classes, deploymentInfo level (meaning anything entering the system).
> This is deployments waiting on deployments (through classes waiting on
> classes). Then mapping to the MBean is done as well.  We will collect the
> dependency at the class level.
> |there's a problem, kill this guy" or "hmmm, I see I forgot to deploy
> |package X" I think it will be fine without any timeouts.
> well the time out is OK, no big deal.  The only issue is do you want to drop
> a package and then another and they are picked in different cycles and it
> still works, but if you FORGET to drop the package, I would want to say
> "CLASS NOT FOUND" so you know you forgot, hence the timeout being useful
> (imho).  Small point.
> marcf
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