On 2002.03.04 23:10:25 -0500 Andreas Schaefer wrote:
> Hi Geeks
> JSR-77 spec. is still changing and therefore a
> moving target.
> I think that JSR-77 MBeans should be converted
> to Juha's XMBean. Because I am too lazy to write
> the deployment descriptors I am going to use David
> Jencks XDoclet "jbossmx" to generated the XMBean
> DDs.

excellent.  I'm hoping to move all the mbeans from standard mbeans to
xmbeans when the xmbean is a little more stable.  Will the jsr-77 stuff be
implementable as interceptors in the xmbean stack? Will you need separate
registrations for the "jboss" mbean view of the object and the "jsr-77"

> This means that the only classes provided from JSR-77
> are:
> - MEJB Home and Remote Interface
> - various Statistics and Stats
> The rest is the class being the target of the XMBean which
> still contains the static "create" and "destroy" method.

Are these static methods required by the jsr-77 stuff?  I'm trying to move
towards "the mbean is the object".  Already ejbs are mbeans (Container) and
ejb-modules are mbeans.  In the jca rewrite I'm working on the
ConnectionManager is an mbean providing the ConnectionFactory service: no
more loaders.  I'm not all that familiar with these static methods, but I
wonder how useful they will be if everything you are managing is already an

Keep in touch how this goes!

david jencks
> Have fun
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Andreas Schaefer
> Senior Consultant
> JBoss Group, LLC
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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