User: juhalindfors
  Date: 02/03/08 03:56:27

  Added:       src/main/test/implementation/modelmbean/support/xml
  Revision  Changes    Path
  Index: jboss_xmbean_1_0.dtd
  <!--                                                               -->
  <!-- DTD for externalizing the definition of the                   -->
  <!-- JMX management interfaces.                                    -->
  <!--                                                               -->
  <!-- Author: Juha Lindfors                                         -->
  <!-- Author: David Jencks                                          -->
  <!--This is the XML DTD for the JBoss 3.0 EJB deployment descriptor.
  The DOCTYPE is:
    <!DOCTYPE mbean PUBLIC
        "-//JBoss//DTD JBOSS XMBEAN 1.0//EN"
  <!--                                                               -->
    The <mbean> element is the root element of the document containing the
    required elements for describing the management interface of one
    MBean (constructors, attributes, operations and notifications). It
    also includes an optional description element that can be used to
    describe the purpose of the MBean and attributes for persistence
    policy and attribute caching.
  <!ELEMENT mbean (description?, descriptors?, class, constructor*, attribute*, 
    The constructor element describes the constructors of an MBean
    that are exposed to the management application. The optional
    description element can be used to to describe the use of the
  <!ELEMENT constructor (description?, name, parameter*, descriptors?)>
    The <attribute> element describes the management attributes of an
    MBean. The <name> element contains the attribute's name and the <type>
    element contains a fully qualified class name of the attribute's
  <!ELEMENT attribute (description?, name, type, descriptors?)>
  <!--         access     read/write access to attribute             -->
  <!ATTLIST attribute access     (READ | WRITE | READ_WRITE)         "READ_WRITE"
                      getMethod         CDATA #IMPLIED
                      setMethod         CDATA #IMPLIED
    The <operation> element describes a management operation of an MBean.
    The <name> element contains the operation's name and the <parameter>
    elements describe the operation's signature. The <return-type> element
    must contain a fully qualified class name of the return type from
    this operation.
    If <return-type> is not specified, void is assumed.
  <!ELEMENT operation (description?, name, parameter*, return-type?)>
  <!--         impact     Impact of operation                        -->
  <!ATTLIST  operation
               impact     (ACTION | INFO | ACTION_INFO)      "ACTION_INFO" >
  <!--                    descriptors                                -->
  <!--                    The <descriptors> element contains all the
                          descriptors for a containing element, as
                          subelements.  The descriptors suggested in
                          the jmx spec have predefined elements,
                          whereas custom descriptors have a generic
                          element.                                   -->
  <!ELEMENT  descriptors   (persistence?, currencyTimeLimit?, state-action-on-update?, 
  <!--                    persistence                                -->
  <!--                    The <persistence> element contains
                          descriptors for the persistPolicy,
                          persistPeriod, persistLocation, and
                          persistName properties suggested by the
                          spec.                                      -->
  <!ELEMENT  persistence   EMPTY                                    >
  <!--         persistPolicy
                          persistPolicy as suggested by jmx spec
                          persistPeriod as suggested by jmx spec
                          location of persistence store.
               persistNameName of persistent data in datastore for this
                          mbean                                      -->
  <!ATTLIST  persistence
                          (NEVER | ONUPDATE | NOMOREOFTENTHAN | ONTIMER)
                          CDATA                              #IMPLIED
                          CDATA                              #IMPLIED
                          CDATA                              #IMPLIED  >
  <!--                    currency-time-limit                        -->
  <!--                    Time that a cached value of an attribute
                          remains valid.                             -->
  <!ELEMENT  currency-time-limit
                           EMPTY                                    >
  <!--         value      Value for currencyTimeLimit                -->
  <!ATTLIST  currency-time-limit
               value      CDATA                              #IMPLIED  >
  <!--                    state-action-on-update                     -->
  <!--                    When an attribute is updated, how much
                          does the service need to be stopped?       -->
  <!ELEMENT  state-action-on-update
                           EMPTY                                    >
  <!--         value      how much the service needs to be stopped when
                          this attribute is updated                  -->
  <!ATTLIST  state-action-on-update
               value      (KEEP_RUNNING | RESTART | REINSTANTIATE) #IMPLIED>
  <!--                    descriptor                                 -->
  <!--                    Custom descriptor element                  -->
  <!ELEMENT  descriptor    EMPTY                                    >
  <!--         name       Name of descriptor
               value      value of descriptor                        -->
  <!ATTLIST  descriptor
               name       CDATA                              #REQUIRED
               value      CDATA                              #REQUIRED >
    The <notification> element describes a management notification. The <name>
    element contains the fully qualified name of the notification class and
    the <notification-type> element contains the dot-separated notification
    type string.
  <!ELEMENT notification (description?, name, notification-type+, descriptors?)>
  <!ELEMENT parameter (description?, name, type)>
  <!ELEMENT class              (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT name               (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT description        (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT type               (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT return-type        (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT notification-type  (#PCDATA)>

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