Hi all,

I have recently implemented a resource adapter for an XML database
product, and deployed it to JBoss appserver (2.4.4). The thign I cannot
seem to get to work is the ManagedConnectionFactoryProperties in
the jcml code. I use the following:

<attribute name="ManagedConnectionFactoryProperties">

Are these supposed to overrule their <config-property>
counterparts in ra.xml? Then this does not happen (the
values in ra.xml are always chosen.

The second problem is ManagedConnection cleanup. In section
5.8.3 of the connection spec it says that:

"The application server can also initiate cleanup of a ManagedConnection
instance when the
container terminates the application component instance that has the
corresponding connec-tion
handle. The application server should call ManagedConnection.cleanup to
initiate the
connection cleanup. After the cleanup, the application server puts the
ManagedConnection in-stance
into the pool to serve future allocation requests."

This suggests that cleanup is called after I call remove on a bean that 
has a connection handle to my XML database through the resource
adapter. However, when I log events on ManagedConnection, cleanup is
never invoked. Also, whenever I remove a bean with still open connection
handles, the next time I create such a bean, a new physical connection
is always opened. 

The first question was posted one one of the forums before,
but no reactions were posted. 

Thanks in advance,

--Mark Polman--

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