User: ejort   
  Date: 02/03/24 05:12:12

  Modified:    src/main/javax/management/monitor
  merge RelMX_1_0_0_12 to RelMX_1_0_0_13 to dev branch
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +390 -376  jmx/src/main/javax/management/monitor/
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/jmx/src/main/javax/management/monitor/,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  ---       21 Dec 2001 01:39:37 -0000      1.1
  +++       24 Mar 2002 13:12:12 -0000      1.2
  @@ -1,376 +1,390 @@
  -* JBoss, the OpenSource EJB server
  -* Distributable under LGPL license.
  -* See terms of license at
  -// REVIEW: Check synchronization
  - * The counter monitor service.
  - *
  - * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Adrian Brock</a>
  - * @version $Revision$
  - *
  - */
  -public class CounterMonitor
  -  extends Monitor
  -  implements CounterMonitorMBean
  -  // Constants -----------------------------------------------------
  -  /**
  -   * The counter threshold exceeded has been notified.
  -   */
  -  /**
  -   * The threshold type error has been notified.
  -   */
  -  // Attributes ----------------------------------------------------
  -  /**
  -   * The derived gauge.
  -   */
  -  private Number derivedGauge = new Integer(0);
  -  /**
  -   * The last value.
  -   */
  -  private Number lastValue = null;
  -  /**
  -   * The derived gauge timeStamp.
  -   */
  -  private long derivedGaugeTimeStamp = 0;
  -  /**
  -   * The offset.
  -   */
  -  Number offset = new Integer(0);
  -  /**
  -   * The modulus.
  -   */
  -  Number modulus = new Integer(0);
  -  /**
  -   * The threshold.
  -   */
  -  Number threshold = new Integer(0);
  -  /**
  -   * The last stated threshold.
  -   */
  -  Number lastThreshold = new Integer(0);
  -  /**
  -   * Difference mode.
  -   */
  -  boolean differenceMode = false;
  -  /**
  -   * Notify.
  -   */
  -  boolean notify = false;
  -  // Static --------------------------------------------------------
  -  // Constructors --------------------------------------------------
  -  /**
  -   * Default Constructor
  -   */
  -  public CounterMonitor()
  -  {
  -    dbgTag = "CounterMonitor";
  -  }
  -  // Public --------------------------------------------------------
  -  public MBeanNotificationInfo[] getNotificationInfo()
  -  {
  -    MBeanNotificationInfo[] result = new MBeanNotificationInfo[1];
  -    String[] types = new String[]
  -    {
  -      MonitorNotification.RUNTIME_ERROR,
  -      MonitorNotification.OBSERVED_OBJECT_ERROR,
  -      MonitorNotification.OBSERVED_ATTRIBUTE_ERROR,
  -      MonitorNotification.OBSERVED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_ERROR,
  -      MonitorNotification.THRESHOLD_ERROR,
  -      MonitorNotification.THRESHOLD_VALUE_EXCEEDED
  -    };
  -    result[0] = new MBeanNotificationInfo(types,
  -      "",
  -      "Notifications sent by the Counter Monitor Service MBean");
  -    return result;
  -  }
  -  // CounterMonitorMBean implementation ----------------------------
  -  public Number getDerivedGauge()
  -  {
  -    return derivedGauge;
  -  }
  -  public long getDerivedGaugeTimeStamp()
  -  {
  -    return derivedGaugeTimeStamp;
  -  }
  -  public boolean getDifferenceMode()
  -  {
  -    return differenceMode;
  -  }
  -  public void setDifferenceMode(boolean value)
  -  {
  -    differenceMode = value;
  -  }
  -  public Number getModulus()
  -  {
  -    return modulus;
  -  }
  -  public void setModulus(Number value)
  -    throws IllegalArgumentException
  -  {
  -    if (value == null)
  -      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null modulus");
  -    if (value.longValue() < 0)
  -      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative modulus");
  -    modulus = value;
  -    alreadyNotified = RESET_FLAGS_ALREADY_NOTIFIED;
  -  }
  -  public boolean getNotify()
  -  {
  -    return notify;
  -  }
  -  public void setNotify(boolean value)
  -  {
  -    notify = value;
  -  }
  -  public Number getOffset()
  -  {
  -    return offset;
  -  }
  -  public void setOffset(Number value)
  -    throws IllegalArgumentException
  -  {
  -    if (value == null)
  -      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null offset");
  -    if (value.longValue() < 0)
  -      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative offset");
  -    offset = value;
  -    alreadyNotified = RESET_FLAGS_ALREADY_NOTIFIED;
  -  }
  -  public Number getThreshold()
  -  {
  -    return threshold;
  -  }
  -  public void setThreshold(Number value)
  -    throws IllegalArgumentException
  -  {
  -    if (value == null)
  -      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null threshold");
  -    if (value.longValue() < 0)
  -      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative threshold");
  -    threshold = value;
  -    lastThreshold = value;
  -    alreadyNotified = RESET_FLAGS_ALREADY_NOTIFIED;
  -  }
  -  // Override start to reset the last value for difference mode and
  -  // to get the initial gauge.
  -  public synchronized void start()
  -  {
  -    lastValue = null;
  -    derivedGauge = new Integer(0);
  -    derivedGaugeTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
  -    super.start();
  -  }
  -  // Package protected ---------------------------------------------
  -  // REVIEW: This works but needs tidying up!
  -  void monitor(MBeanAttributeInfo attributeInfo, Object value)
  -    throws Exception
  -  {
  -    // Wrong type of attribute
  -    if (!(value instanceof Byte) && !(value instanceof Integer) &&
  -        !(value instanceof Short) && !(value instanceof Long))
  -    {
  -       sendAttributeTypeErrorNotification("Attribute is not an integer type");
  -       return;
  -    }
  -    // Wrong threshold types
  -    if (threshold.getClass() != value.getClass()
  -        || offset.longValue() != 0 && offset.getClass() != value.getClass()
  -        || modulus.longValue() != 0 && modulus.getClass() != value.getClass()) 
  -    {
  -       sendThresholdErrorNotification(value);
  -       return;
  -    }
  -    // Cast the counter to a Number
  -    Number number = (Number) value;
  -    // Get the gauge and record when we got it.
  -    if (differenceMode)
  -    {
  -      if (lastValue == null)
  -        derivedGauge = getZero(number);
  -      else
  -        derivedGauge = sub(number, lastValue);
  -      if (derivedGauge.longValue() < 0 && modulus.longValue() != 0)
  -        derivedGauge = add(derivedGauge, modulus);
  -    }
  -    else
  -      derivedGauge = number;
  -    derivedGaugeTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
  -    // Fire the event if the threshold has been exceeded
  -    if (derivedGauge.longValue() >= threshold.longValue())
  -    {
  -      if ((alreadyNotified & THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED_NOTIFIED) == 0)
  -      {
  -        sendThresholdExceededNotification(derivedGauge);
  -        alreadyNotified |= THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED_NOTIFIED;
  -        // Add any offsets required to get a new threshold
  -        if (offset.longValue() != 0)
  -        {
  -          while(threshold.longValue() <= derivedGauge.longValue())
  -            threshold = add(threshold, offset);
  -          alreadyNotified &= ~THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED_NOTIFIED;
  -        }
  -      }
  -    }
  -    else
  -    {
  -      // Reset notfication when it becomes less than threshold
  -      if (derivedGauge.longValue() < threshold.longValue())
  -        alreadyNotified &= ~THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED_NOTIFIED;
  -    }
  -    // Apply any modulus, reset the threshold
  -    // REVIEW: This is not what the spec does, its what the RI does
  -    if (modulus.longValue() != 0 && lastValue !=null 
  -        && lastValue.longValue() > number.longValue())
  -    {
  -      threshold = lastThreshold;
  -      alreadyNotified &= ~THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED_NOTIFIED;
  -    }
  -    // Remember the last value
  -    lastValue = number;
  -  }
  -  /**
  -   * Get zero for the type passed.
  -   * 
  -   * @param the reference object
  -   * @return zero for the correct type
  -   */
  -  Number getZero(Number value)
  -  {
  -     if (value instanceof Byte)
  -       return new Byte((byte) 0);
  -     if (value instanceof Integer)
  -       return new Integer(0);
  -     if (value instanceof Short)
  -       return new Short((short) 0);
  -     return new Long(0);
  -  }
  -  /**
  -   * Add two numbers together.
  -   * @param value1 the first value.
  -   * @param value2 the second value.
  -   * @return value1 + value2 of the correct type
  -   */
  -  Number add(Number value1, Number value2)
  -  {
  -     if (value1 instanceof Byte)
  -       return new Byte((byte) (value1.byteValue() + value2.byteValue()));
  -     if (value1 instanceof Integer)
  -       return new Integer(value1.intValue() + value2.intValue());
  -     if (value1 instanceof Short)
  -       return new Short((short) (value1.shortValue() + value2.shortValue()));
  -     return new Long(value1.longValue() + value2.longValue());
  -  }
  -  /**
  -   * Subtract two numbers.
  -   * @param value1 the first value.
  -   * @param value2 the second value.
  -   * @return value1 - value2 of the correct type
  -   */
  -  Number sub(Number value1, Number value2)
  -  {
  -     if (value1 instanceof Byte)
  -       return new Byte((byte) (value1.byteValue() - value2.byteValue()));
  -     if (value1 instanceof Integer)
  -       return new Integer(value1.intValue() - value2.intValue());
  -     if (value1 instanceof Short)
  -       return new Short((short) (value1.shortValue() - value2.shortValue()));
  -     return new Long(value1.longValue() - value2.longValue());
  -  }
  -  /**
  -   * Send a threshold exceeded event.<p>
  -   *
  -   * This is only performed when requested and it has not already been sent.
  -   *
  -   * @param value the attribute value.
  -   */
  -  void sendThresholdExceededNotification(Object value)
  -  {
  -    if (notify)
  -    {
  -      sendNotification(MonitorNotification.THRESHOLD_VALUE_EXCEEDED,
  -        derivedGaugeTimeStamp, "threshold exceeded", observedAttribute, value, 
  -        threshold);
  -    }
  -  }
  -  /**
  -   * Send a threshold error event.<p>
  -   *
  -   * This is only performed when requested and it has not already been sent.
  -   *
  -   * @param value the attribute value.
  -   */
  -  void sendThresholdErrorNotification(Object value)
  -  {
  -    if ((alreadyNotified & THRESHOLD_ERROR_NOTIFIED) == 0)
  -    {
  -      sendNotification(MonitorNotification.THRESHOLD_ERROR,
  -        derivedGaugeTimeStamp, 
  -        "Threshold, offset or modulus not the correct type", 
  -        observedAttribute, null, null);
  -      alreadyNotified |= THRESHOLD_ERROR_NOTIFIED;
  -    }
  -  }
  -  // Protected -----------------------------------------------------
  -  // Private -------------------------------------------------------
  -  // Inner classes -------------------------------------------------
  +* JBoss, the OpenSource EJB server
  +* Distributable under LGPL license.
  +* See terms of license at
  +// REVIEW: Check synchronization
  + * The counter monitor service.
  + *
  + * <p><b>Revisions:</b>
  + * <p><b>20020319 Adrian Brock:</b>
  + * <ul>
  + * <li>Reset the threshold when the value becomes negative in difference mode
  + * </ul>
  + *
  + * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Adrian Brock</a>
  + * @version $Revision$
  + *
  + */
  +public class CounterMonitor
  +  extends Monitor
  +  implements CounterMonitorMBean
  +  // Constants -----------------------------------------------------
  +  /**
  +   * The counter threshold exceeded has been notified.
  +   */
  +  /**
  +   * The threshold type error has been notified.
  +   */
  +  // Attributes ----------------------------------------------------
  +  /**
  +   * The derived gauge.
  +   */
  +  private Number derivedGauge = new Integer(0);
  +  /**
  +   * The last value.
  +   */
  +  private Number lastValue = null;
  +  /**
  +   * The derived gauge timeStamp.
  +   */
  +  private long derivedGaugeTimeStamp = 0;
  +  /**
  +   * The offset.
  +   */
  +  Number offset = new Integer(0);
  +  /**
  +   * The modulus.
  +   */
  +  Number modulus = new Integer(0);
  +  /**
  +   * The threshold.
  +   */
  +  Number threshold = new Integer(0);
  +  /**
  +   * The last stated threshold.
  +   */
  +  Number initialThreshold = new Integer(0);
  +  /**
  +   * Difference mode.
  +   */
  +  boolean differenceMode = false;
  +  /**
  +   * Notify.
  +   */
  +  boolean notify = false;
  +  // Static --------------------------------------------------------
  +  // Constructors --------------------------------------------------
  +  /**
  +   * Default Constructor
  +   */
  +  public CounterMonitor()
  +  {
  +    dbgTag = "CounterMonitor";
  +  }
  +  // Public --------------------------------------------------------
  +  public MBeanNotificationInfo[] getNotificationInfo()
  +  {
  +    MBeanNotificationInfo[] result = new MBeanNotificationInfo[1];
  +    String[] types = new String[]
  +    {
  +      MonitorNotification.RUNTIME_ERROR,
  +      MonitorNotification.OBSERVED_OBJECT_ERROR,
  +      MonitorNotification.OBSERVED_ATTRIBUTE_ERROR,
  +      MonitorNotification.OBSERVED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_ERROR,
  +      MonitorNotification.THRESHOLD_ERROR,
  +      MonitorNotification.THRESHOLD_VALUE_EXCEEDED
  +    };
  +    result[0] = new MBeanNotificationInfo(types,
  +      "",
  +      "Notifications sent by the Counter Monitor Service MBean");
  +    return result;
  +  }
  +  // CounterMonitorMBean implementation ----------------------------
  +  public Number getDerivedGauge()
  +  {
  +    return derivedGauge;
  +  }
  +  public long getDerivedGaugeTimeStamp()
  +  {
  +    return derivedGaugeTimeStamp;
  +  }
  +  public boolean getDifferenceMode()
  +  {
  +    return differenceMode;
  +  }
  +  public void setDifferenceMode(boolean value)
  +  {
  +    differenceMode = value;
  +  }
  +  public Number getModulus()
  +  {
  +    return modulus;
  +  }
  +  public void setModulus(Number value)
  +    throws IllegalArgumentException
  +  {
  +    if (value == null)
  +      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null modulus");
  +    if (value.longValue() < 0)
  +      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative modulus");
  +    modulus = value;
  +    alreadyNotified = RESET_FLAGS_ALREADY_NOTIFIED;
  +  }
  +  public boolean getNotify()
  +  {
  +    return notify;
  +  }
  +  public void setNotify(boolean value)
  +  {
  +    notify = value;
  +  }
  +  public Number getOffset()
  +  {
  +    return offset;
  +  }
  +  public void setOffset(Number value)
  +    throws IllegalArgumentException
  +  {
  +    if (value == null)
  +      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null offset");
  +    if (value.longValue() < 0)
  +      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative offset");
  +    offset = value;
  +    alreadyNotified = RESET_FLAGS_ALREADY_NOTIFIED;
  +  }
  +  public Number getThreshold()
  +  {
  +    return threshold;
  +  }
  +  public void setThreshold(Number value)
  +    throws IllegalArgumentException
  +  {
  +    if (value == null)
  +      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null threshold");
  +    if (value.longValue() < 0)
  +      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative threshold");
  +    threshold = value;
  +    initialThreshold = value;
  +    alreadyNotified = RESET_FLAGS_ALREADY_NOTIFIED;
  +  }
  +  // Override start to reset the last value for difference mode and
  +  // to get the initial gauge.
  +  public synchronized void start()
  +  {
  +    lastValue = null;
  +    derivedGauge = new Integer(0);
  +    derivedGaugeTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
  +    super.start();
  +  }
  +  // Package protected ---------------------------------------------
  +  // REVIEW: This works but needs tidying up!
  +  void monitor(MBeanAttributeInfo attributeInfo, Object value)
  +    throws Exception
  +  {
  +    // Wrong type of attribute
  +    if (!(value instanceof Byte) && !(value instanceof Integer) &&
  +        !(value instanceof Short) && !(value instanceof Long))
  +    {
  +       sendAttributeTypeErrorNotification("Attribute is not an integer type");
  +       return;
  +    }
  +    // Wrong threshold types
  +    if (threshold.getClass() != value.getClass()
  +        || offset.longValue() != 0 && offset.getClass() != value.getClass()
  +        || modulus.longValue() != 0 && modulus.getClass() != value.getClass()) 
  +    {
  +       sendThresholdErrorNotification(value);
  +       return;
  +    }
  +    // Cast the counter to a Number
  +    Number number = (Number) value;
  +    // Get the gauge and record when we got it.
  +    if (differenceMode)
  +    {
  +      if (lastValue == null)
  +        derivedGauge = getZero(number);
  +      else
  +        derivedGauge = sub(number, lastValue);
  +      if (derivedGauge.longValue() < 0 && modulus.longValue() != 0)
  +        derivedGauge = add(derivedGauge, modulus);
  +    }
  +    else
  +      derivedGauge = number;
  +    derivedGaugeTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
  +    // Fire the event if the threshold has been exceeded
  +    if (derivedGauge.longValue() >= threshold.longValue())
  +    {
  +      if ((alreadyNotified & THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED_NOTIFIED) == 0)
  +      {
  +        sendThresholdExceededNotification(derivedGauge);
  +        alreadyNotified |= THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED_NOTIFIED;
  +        // Add any offsets required to get a new threshold
  +        if (offset.longValue() != 0)
  +        {
  +          while(threshold.longValue() <= derivedGauge.longValue())
  +            threshold = add(threshold, offset);
  +          alreadyNotified &= ~THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED_NOTIFIED;
  +        }
  +      }
  +    }
  +    else
  +    {
  +      // Reset notfication when it becomes less than threshold
  +      if (derivedGauge.longValue() < threshold.longValue() 
  +          && offset.longValue() == 0)
  +        alreadyNotified &= ~THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED_NOTIFIED;
  +    }
  +    // For difference mode, restart when the counter decreases
  +    if (differenceMode == true && lastValue !=null && 
  +        lastValue.longValue() > number.longValue())
  +    {
  +      threshold = initialThreshold;
  +      alreadyNotified &= ~THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED_NOTIFIED;
  +    }
  +    // For normal mode, restart when modulus exceeded
  +    if (differenceMode == false && modulus.longValue() != 0 &&
  +        number.longValue() > modulus.longValue())
  +    {
  +      threshold = initialThreshold;
  +      alreadyNotified &= ~THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED_NOTIFIED;
  +    }
  +    // Remember the last value
  +    lastValue = number;
  +  }
  +  /**
  +   * Get zero for the type passed.
  +   * 
  +   * @param the reference object
  +   * @return zero for the correct type
  +   */
  +  Number getZero(Number value)
  +  {
  +     if (value instanceof Byte)
  +       return new Byte((byte) 0);
  +     if (value instanceof Integer)
  +       return new Integer(0);
  +     if (value instanceof Short)
  +       return new Short((short) 0);
  +     return new Long(0);
  +  }
  +  /**
  +   * Add two numbers together.
  +   * @param value1 the first value.
  +   * @param value2 the second value.
  +   * @return value1 + value2 of the correct type
  +   */
  +  Number add(Number value1, Number value2)
  +  {
  +     if (value1 instanceof Byte)
  +       return new Byte((byte) (value1.byteValue() + value2.byteValue()));
  +     if (value1 instanceof Integer)
  +       return new Integer(value1.intValue() + value2.intValue());
  +     if (value1 instanceof Short)
  +       return new Short((short) (value1.shortValue() + value2.shortValue()));
  +     return new Long(value1.longValue() + value2.longValue());
  +  }
  +  /**
  +   * Subtract two numbers.
  +   * @param value1 the first value.
  +   * @param value2 the second value.
  +   * @return value1 - value2 of the correct type
  +   */
  +  Number sub(Number value1, Number value2)
  +  {
  +     if (value1 instanceof Byte)
  +       return new Byte((byte) (value1.byteValue() - value2.byteValue()));
  +     if (value1 instanceof Integer)
  +       return new Integer(value1.intValue() - value2.intValue());
  +     if (value1 instanceof Short)
  +       return new Short((short) (value1.shortValue() - value2.shortValue()));
  +     return new Long(value1.longValue() - value2.longValue());
  +  }
  +  /**
  +   * Send a threshold exceeded event.<p>
  +   *
  +   * This is only performed when requested and it has not already been sent.
  +   *
  +   * @param value the attribute value.
  +   */
  +  void sendThresholdExceededNotification(Object value)
  +  {
  +    if (notify)
  +    {
  +      sendNotification(MonitorNotification.THRESHOLD_VALUE_EXCEEDED,
  +        derivedGaugeTimeStamp, "threshold exceeded", observedAttribute, value, 
  +        threshold);
  +    }
  +  }
  +  /**
  +   * Send a threshold error event.<p>
  +   *
  +   * This is only performed when requested and it has not already been sent.
  +   *
  +   * @param value the attribute value.
  +   */
  +  void sendThresholdErrorNotification(Object value)
  +  {
  +    if ((alreadyNotified & THRESHOLD_ERROR_NOTIFIED) == 0)
  +    {
  +      sendNotification(MonitorNotification.THRESHOLD_ERROR,
  +        derivedGaugeTimeStamp, 
  +        "Threshold, offset or modulus not the correct type", 
  +        observedAttribute, null, null);
  +      alreadyNotified |= THRESHOLD_ERROR_NOTIFIED;
  +    }
  +  }
  +  // Protected -----------------------------------------------------
  +  // Private -------------------------------------------------------
  +  // Inner classes -------------------------------------------------
  1.4       +18 -5     jmx/src/main/javax/management/monitor/
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/jmx/src/main/javax/management/monitor/,v
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision 1.4
  diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
  ---      20 Jan 2002 14:30:40 -0000      1.3
  +++      24 Mar 2002 13:12:12 -0000      1.4
  @@ -26,9 +26,14 @@
    * The monitor service.
  + * <p><b>Revisions:</b>
  + * <p><b>20020319 Adrian Brock:</b>
  + * <ul>
  + * <li>Notify using the object name and fix the notification payloads
  + * </ul>
  + *
    * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Adrian Brock</a>
    * @version $Revision$
  - *
   public abstract class Monitor
     extends NotificationBroadcasterSupport
  @@ -94,6 +99,11 @@
     protected MBeanServer server;
  +   * The object name of this monitor.
  +   */
  +  ObjectName objectName;
  +  /**
      * The errors that have already been notified.
      * REVIEW: Check
  @@ -244,6 +254,9 @@
       // Remember the server.
       this.server = server;
  +    // Remember the object name.
  +    this.objectName = objectName;
       // Use the passed object name.
       return objectName;
  @@ -373,7 +386,7 @@
       if (timestamp == 0)
         timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
  -    sendNotification(new MonitorNotification(type, this, seq,
  +    sendNotification(new MonitorNotification(type, objectName, seq,
                        timestamp, message, gauge,
                        attribute, observedObject, trigger));
  @@ -387,7 +400,7 @@
       if ((alreadyNotified & RUNTIME_ERROR_NOTIFIED) == 0)
         sendNotification(MonitorNotification.RUNTIME_ERROR, 0,
  -        message, null, null, null);
  +        message, observedAttribute, null, null);
       alreadyNotified |= RUNTIME_ERROR_NOTIFIED;
  @@ -400,7 +413,7 @@
       if ((alreadyNotified & OBSERVED_OBJECT_ERROR_NOTIFIED) == 0)
         sendNotification(MonitorNotification.OBSERVED_OBJECT_ERROR, 0,
  -        message, null, null, null);
  +        message, observedAttribute, null, null);
       alreadyNotified |= OBSERVED_OBJECT_ERROR_NOTIFIED;

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