Change Notes item #534493, was opened at 2002-03-25 01:38
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Category: JBossCX
Group: v3.0 (Rabbit Hole)
Status: Open
Priority: 5
Submitted By: David Jencks (d_jencks)
Assigned to: David Jencks (d_jencks)
Summary: New ConnectionManagers for jca framework

Initial Comment:
I've committed my new ConnectionManager implementations
to the connector module.  The standard jboss config is
now set up to use them.  To go back to the old config,
see later.


1. Connections are supplied in the order requested.
This fixes the problem that requests that can not be
satisfied immediately can wait forever, while later
requests do not block.

2. As per jca spec, connections can be held over
transaction boundaries and method boundaries, and not
die.  So you can do this:

Connection c = ds.getConnection();
//do some work
and the connection will be enrolled in the transaction
and remain usable after commit.

Similarly, you can get a connection in say ejbActivate
and keep it until ejbPassivate.  In each method call,
it will be hooked up to a ManagedConnection with the
appropriate security and tx contexts.

3. Security integrated with jboss's JAAS security
system.  Instead of supplying a user/pw combo in the
COnnectionFactoryLoader config you provide the jndi
name of a security domain, and configure this in
auth.conf.  As before, so far there is only the
configured identity scenario implemented (where
everyone gets mapped to a single db user).

4. No more silly classes.  The
ConnectionManagerFactory, and ConnectionFactoryLoader
are all unnecessary.  Instead, you directly configure
the components you are using.  The RARDeployer is being
used only until a better deployment system is
available: it is unnecessary if you are willing to
process the ra.xml yourself and unpack the rar.

Problems and incompleteness:

1. The current jca-jdbc wrappers are not spec compliant
and cause some tests to fail: you cannot use them to
hold connections over method boundaries.  A working
example is the firebird jca-jdbc driver.  These
wrappers will be replaced soon.

2. A couple of tests rely on timing considerations
between threads and sometimes fail.

3. The configuration of the new components is not quite
ideal yet.  Currently they use a reference to the
previous RARDeployment to get a little info from the
ra.xml.  This will be changed in the future to an xsl
based system.  The current configuration examples are
done with nested mbeans, however the mbeans can also be

Other changes:

The new system uses an interceptor.  The server build
script uses ant filter to insert this in every
interceptor chain.  Look for jca.connection.interceptor
in the server build.xml.

The datasource type mapping in standardjaws.xml and
standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml is set by the
default.type.mapping property.  For instance compiling
with -Ddefault.type.mapping=InterBase will result in
using the InterBase type mapping by default.

You can switch cmp1.1 persistence managers using the
property cmp1.persistencemanager. choices are between
JAWS and the cmp2 engine.  See the build file.

The testsuite is modified to use xml log4j
configuration and that all test targets can skip
compilation by including -Dnojars=t in the command line.

Where are the configurations....

New style configurations are in
newhsqldb-default-service.xml and jms-service.xml.  The
old configurations remain in hsql-default-service.xml
and commented out in jms-service.xml

To remove the interceptor, modify server/build.xml to
make jca.connection.interceptor empty.

Old configurations will continue to work until the old
classes are removed.


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