Can this be set in the initial connection properties?  I don't know much 
about pool set-up, but David does (and I CCed him on this email).  Does 
the current pool code support setting of properties in the config file?


Giorgio42 wrote:

> Is JBoss CMP currently making any use
> of proprietary JDBC Driver implementation
> features?
> Specifically, is the method 
> setDefaultRowPrefetch(int rows) provided
> by the Oracle thin client driver used?
> My experience is, that this setting can have
> a huge impact on the performance of data-oriented
> applications, especially if they read large datasets.
> Using reflection, the code need not directly depend on
> on the Oracle driver being in the classpath and still
> get compiled, like this:
> java.lang.reflect.Method method = conn.getClass().getMethod("setDefaultRowPrefetch", 
>new Class[]{ int.class });
> method.invoke(conn, new Object[]{ new Integer(rowPrefetch) });
> This could be added to (standardjboss)cmp-jdbc.xml
> configuration parameters.
> JDBC3.0 defines a (small) set of standard properties for
> pooled connection sources (in section 11.7), so 
> this is a first step in standardizing this process.
> Just a suggestion...
> And a happy easter to the JBoss team!
> Georg
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