Bugs item #533462, was opened at 2002-03-21 23:57
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Category: JBossCMP
Group: v3.0 Rabbit Hole
>Status: Closed
>Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Markus Menner (morphace)
Assigned to: Dain Sundstrom (dsundstrom)
Summary: Relation: child entity always returned

Initial Comment:
There are two entities, let's say A and B, with a 1:1 

I implemented a getB() in A and a getA() method in B 
and the corresponding stuff in the deployment 

When I use an instance of type A and use getB() to 
retrieve the related B entity, I always get an 
instance (local interface), even if there's no 
related B entity (in the database).

When I try to get an attribute of the (nonexisting) B 
entity I evidently get a NoSuchEntityException, 
however the retrieval of the primaryKey works.


>Comment By: Dain Sundstrom (dsundstrom)
Date: 2002-04-11 20:03

Logged In: YES 

I think I fixed this.  Next time supply a test case.

The problem only occures with cutom primay keys that wrap a 
primitive type.  Anyway, when the fk colums were being set 
to java default values even of the fk was supposed to be 


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