Bugs item #517062, was opened at 2002-02-13 11:06
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Category: JBossServer
Group: v2.4 (stable)
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Michael Prescott (fuseboy)
>Assigned to: Dan Christopherson (danch)
Summary: JAWS ResultSet Column Order

Initial Comment:
The free and otherwise decent Microsoft JDBC Driver 
for SQL Server 2000 (they've licensed Merant's driver) 
has a limitation that requires that 'TEXT' fields be 
retrieved from ResultSets in the order that they're 
specified in the SELECT statement.

JAWS composes the SELECT statement based on the order 
that CMP fields are returned from a Hashtable 
(effectively an undefined order), but moves primary 
key fields to be the first columns in the SELECT 

(See http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-
lines 214-242).

On retrieval, however, it doesn't retrieve the primary 
key columns first, it retrieves them in the Hashtable 
order.  Is there any reason for this, or can I submit 
a patch that causes the retrieval order to match the 
SELECT column order?

There are numerous workarounds, from changing the name 
of the pk columns until the hash causes them to come 
out first (a flaky hack) to changing the JDBC driver, 
but this since the Microsoft driver is likely to be 
come the default for SQL Server installations it 
strikes me as an important compatability issue.

Incidentally, lines 215-221 don't seem to have any 
effect, nor have they done since they were written.  
Am I just on crack?


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