>From: Peter Antman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] JBoss JMS RA + SwiftMQ + Possible Problems
>Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 10:35:29 +0200 (CEST)
>On 23 Apr, Jason Dillon wrote:
> > Hey, I have just started integrating SwiftMQ for use in my production
> > environment at work and by doing so I have notice d that we might have
> > some issues with the JMS RA.
> >
> > Clayton Wheeler responsed to a message I wrote in the SwiftMQ forums
> > with a document he wrote about getting it to work:
> >
> > http://culture.iridio.com/~csw/jboss-swiftmq/
> >
> > I was hoping that the JMS folks (probably Peter since he wrote it, or
> > really anyone else familar with this stuff) could take a look at the
> > document and see if we can nail down some of the issues (like
> > connection.close() not closing sessions and finally drop the queue/ and
> > topic/ prefixes from being requirements of the system).
>Hi, I am currently under sever time contraints, so unfortunately I do
>not have the time to do the testing that is rquired to check new stuff
>in. Just yesterday I integrated SonicMQ into 2.4.3 and I have also seen
>a couple of things that needs to be done to ease integration.
>- JMS ContainerInvoker and DLQHandler need to be easier to subclass.
>- We must probably factor out the ConnectionConsumer stuff.
>-  We must also see to it that StdServerSession and Pool are easy to
>    sublcass, and at least factor out creation of StdServerSession

I have a feeling that the DLQHandler can be implemented as an interceptor.  
So before the message gets delivered to the bean, the interceptor checks to 
see if it has been redelivered to many times.  This should help decouple the 
the DLQ from the ContainerInvoker.

>- The DLQHandler must be configurable with a connectionfactory (JBossMQ
>   only handles Messages from foraign provider if they are Serializable,
>   wich is not part of the Message API.
>- topic and queue stuff from ContainerInvoker should be removed. This
>   was added by the one who implemented automatic creation of
>   destinations (which I oposed to). One way of doing this would be
>   moving creation of destination out into the PrividerAdapter to make it
>   possible to let also foraign providers create destinations on the fly
>   (if the can handle this).

Yes!!! I agree 102%!!

>As for the JMS RA. This is basically a hack. Not in the meaning bad code
>(I hope ;-)) but in that the spec for JCA is not designed for JMS. The
>stuff you take from the pool, is the stuff that is transacted. This
>works nice for db but not for JMS, since in JMS it is the session that
>is transacted and that should be pooled in the JCA adapter, but it is
>not a common idiom to directly get a session in JMS (which you can with
>the JCA adapter). The connection is just a cover up class, which
>basically do no JCA intercation. It's the session that do it.

So are you saying that every JMS provider should provider thier own RA 
implementation since that way they can cope with the architecture by using 
provider specific calls in the RA??

>I could not come up with a good solution on this problem, except
>documenting  how to use it. If someone can find a solution, pleas commit
> >
> > Anyone have some time to check this out and look over what needs to be 
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > --jason
> >
> >
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>Peter Antman   Chief Systems Architect, Business Development
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