That feature might have been broken in the 3.0 RC1, but I know for a FACT 
that it is working in the CVS head now.  We now have some automated junit 
tests the create/destroy destinations via jmx on ever testcase.


>From: Joel Boehland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [JBoss-dev] dynamically adding/removing queues/topics
>Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 15:39:43 -0700
>Someone posted a message on the old
>spydermq list that looks like it belongs
>on this list. I am putting the original
>message and my response below. If
>someone finds something wrong with the
>facts in my response please correct me.
>***********Mary wrote:
>Hi Joel,
>I have rc1 of JBoss 3.0.0 and have been
>testing your interface for
>topic creation/deletion both
>programmaticaly and from the JMX web
>What I'm seeing is that topics are
>getting created successfully, and
>I can delete them successfully. If I try
>to create a topic again
>after having destroyed it however, I get
>this exception:
>javax.jms.JMSException: This destination
>has allready been added to
>the server!
>        at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>If I do a JNDI lookup of the topic, it
>doesn't exist, and the server
>log file says it was successfully
>destroyed, so I think this is a
>I really need this feature so I will try
>to see if I can find
>anything debugging in to it. Please let
>me know if you've encountered
>this or fixed it. And thanks by the way
>for contributing this feature
>to JBoss for us all!
>********************        My reply:
>Hi Mary,
>Its been a Looooong time since I added
>the add/destroy queue/topic methods to
>the JMSServer class in the jbossmq
>module. I just checked out the most
>recent version from cvs, and everything
>I added is gone. This is a fast moving
>code-base!  I believe they moved all the
>functionality of those methods into the
>class. From what I can see, it *should*
>be working. The stopService method is
>what I believe gets invoked
>automagically when you call
>destroyTopic/destroyQueue on the
>JMSServer MBean. This in turn invokes
>closeDestination() on the JMSServer
>class, and this method removes the
>topic/queue from the internal
>destinations HashMap. Unfortunately, it
>looks like somehow that destination
>isn't really being removed from the
>I don't have time to debug this right
>now, but I did, these are probably the
>steps I would follow:
>1. Using debug logging or a debugger,
>trace the chain of invokers involved in
>a destroyTopic/queue call. From a quick
>glance, I think it goes something like
>(all classes in the
>At the end of that chain, the
>topic/queue should be gone from jndi,
>and removed from the destinations
>HashMap in JMSServer. Maybe the end of
>the closeDestination() method in
>JMSServer would be a good time to
>iterate thru the hashmap and print out
>the names of the destinations it
>contains to be sure that is the case. If
>you find this isn't the case, and you
>can't find the cause, It would be a good
>time to post a bug report from jboss's
>sourceforge project page:
>( )
>I will post this message to jboss-dev
>(which is where you should post/follow
>bugs. Spydermq on yahoo groups is pretty
>much a dead list) and someone there may
>have more info on this. If I get time
>this weekend or later next week I may be
>able to delve a little deeper into this
>as well. Good luck,
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