Looks like a bug. I'll take a look.

We're going to try to put jbosstx in its own module soon.

One thing that would be really good would be some unit tests.  I haven't
really thought about how to set them up yet.  I guess all we really need
for a framework is a fake XAResource implementation and a Synchronization
implementation.  Any ideas?

david jencks

On 2002.05.10 17:39:48 -0400 Johan Svensson wrote:
> Hey,
> We're using JBossTX for a commercial project (see my colleagues mail at
>         http://www.geocrawler.com/lists/3/SourceForge/10767/0/8602875/
> for reference) and believe we might have found a bug related to
> rollbacks with several enlisted resources. I didn't see it in the bug
> tracker so I thought I might as well run it by the list for
> verification:
> ---
> When a new resource is enlisted the TM checks if it is the same as an
> already enlisted resource via the XAResource.isSameRM method. If the
> same resource did exist, the TM groups that resource together with the
> existing one to ensure that they only receive one set of prepare-commit
> calls.
> In code, this translates to the following snippet from
> TxCapsule.prepareResources/commitResources:
>       for (int i = 0; i < resourceCount; i++)
>       {
>               // ...
>               if (resourceSameRM[i] != -1)
>                       continue; // This RM already committed.         
>               // ...
>       }
> Good. But in rollbackResources that check isn't done. This means that
> the same resources (according to the isSameRM method) will receive more
> than one rollback call. That will most likely result in an XAException
> thrown that is caught and spammed out via log.warn. This is what happens
> for me with the latest Postgresql driver. I've also tested this with
> Informix Universal Server 9.21 (JDBC driver 2.21) and then the driver
> hangs.
> ---
> While we're on the topic: does anyone know the status of JBossTX as
> a subproject? A CVS module and a separate build script would be very
> nice; currently we're extracting it from the main server source by hand.
> Thanks,
> Johan Svensson [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Kernel Developer, .windh AB
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