Bugs item #552532, was opened at 2002-05-05 09:14
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Category: JBossServer
Group: None
>Status: Closed
>Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Georg Schmid (giorgio42)
Assigned to: Jay Walters (jwalters)
Summary: Verifier warning shows null message

Initial Comment:

(JBoss 3.1.0alpha, current CVS head, NT/W2K/Solaris)

Currently I try to make my beans deploy without
any warning from the verifier.

I get lot of messages of this kind:

12:20:34,093 INFO  [EJBDeployer]
Bean   : MySessionSB
Method : public abstract void removeSettings
(Collection) throws RemoveException
Section: 7.10.5
Warning: null

Looking through the code of EJB I found that the
DefaultMessages.properties file does not contain
strings for any spec violation starting with 7.10.5.
Moreover no spec violations for section 7.10.5 are ever
fired in the code, only ones from subsections, like

Thanks for re-activating the verifier in 3.0!



>Comment By: Jay Walters (jwalters)
Date: 2002-05-11 00:15

Logged In: YES 

The code that prints the message only shows the leading part
of the section, e.g. for 7.10.5.d2 it only displays 7.10.5
in the message.  This is reasonable since the d2 is just a
code which is loosely related to the structure of the text
in the actual specification.

I have recently added in messages for the session beans and
the rest of the entity bean portions which I had missed


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