|Does convertions of not-JBoss-DD's are done by FoeDeployer? We could
|have an abstract converter that will be subclassed by converters for
|different app servers (to look ahead).

here we go, the scourge of new developers the plague of "abtract-itis" to
"look ahead" on first pass.  Don't look ahead on first iteration, SOLVE THE
PROBLEM AT HAND.  Then in second iteration (in 6 month when you get feedback
and know what is needed) then you abstract away.  Follow andreas'
recommendation of keeping it as simple as possible, write the converter he
wants, as ugly as you can,


|AS> If somehow possible I would like to have an implementation
|AS> running in a month, plain and stupid. So we should take the
|AS> most simple case and write the deployer for it. That is what
|AS> I would like to have covered:
|AS> - JNDI names
|AS> - Resources and Resource Managers
|AS> - 1 to 1 CMP tables
|AS> - Transactions
|AS> - Finders
|AS> - Message Driven Beans
|AS> Until the end of the week I will start creating the Foe-Deployer
|AS> and add the code to JBoss.
|And sorry... why it is called Foe? :)
|Best regards,
| Alex Loubyansky                           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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