
OK. So JBoss3.0.0 is out.  I got to tell you a story, from yesterday. Past
few days we have been having a few problems with the jive forums and
website, for a variety of reasons. Also we are releasing a new look and that
takes sitemesh and a lot of fancy stuff we just couldn't get to work
properly on 2.4 series, I removed our trusted 2.4 and put 3.0 in its place.
Yeah I got a few exceptions that shouldn't be there.  I thought to myself,
fuck this looks bad, talked to scott scott said "stuff is solid, but a lot
of cosmetics going on".  Yeah dealing with exceptions, making sure the
reports and logs are right, all these little things that make the surface of
a product as pretty and robust as the interior, all these things are missing
I think.

But that will come quickly.  The important part is that folks have been
using 3.0 for production for some month now, and we are using it to and
guess what, it stays up, it runs, it is stable.

So scott, sacha and ben got to talking about the story of linux 2.4 and
microsoft win 2000.  They held up the release for months because they were
afraid of making mistakes, they were afraid of "brown paper bugs".  Sure
enough they were right, they were a few. They released it, it was buggy,
they fell flat, they picked up and both linux2.4 and win2000 are today
superior products.

 But I heard scott say "it's solid" and that is what I wanted to hear. "Just
for the past 4 weeks I am fixing crap" and I am thinking "release early"
that is what he is saying.  Sacha says the same, it will stabilize fast, and
put the finishing touches SOOO FAST to this product ONCE WE GET ALL OF YOU

So that is the good part.  This product has been in development for 18
months, we have been smoking some serious dope on that infrastructure, WE
also time for you to use thouroughly, with free documentation coming for us
to really get the feedback from our real roots: production.  We got 2.4
where it was (any of you remember 2.0 FINAL? he he) make no mistakes 3.11
will be there.

So this is where you come in.  There are about 50 bugs with cosmetics and
enhancements and just making sure everything works.  WE NEED YOU.  THIS IS
WHERE YOU COME IN.  Shallow bugs are the best way for you to come in and get
knowledge. IF YOU ARE an independent a small consultancy, HELP US OUT, get
your knowledge, pick your bug-snack and put one night aside to help us with
it, that is the way we recruit new people.  The people now in JBoss Group
are people that appeared to debug 2.0 some stayed.  I want the same for 3.0.

Finally, at the risk of sounding salesly I will remind the guys who are
going in production with 3.0 (and we do recommend it) that there is our $10k
support contract.  You can help us by sponsoring a couple of guys through
contracts and making sure we fix the bugs (because we will anyway) but on
your schedule.  It would just plain help.  Also remember that in this
contract you get 57 hours of support on your application for
fine-tuning/security etc and that HEAD SUPPORT IS FREE, we don't bill it.
So we will not be charging the retainer as we fix HEAD of JBOSS en route to
3.2, you will just be boosting our workforce (if you can't commit your own
time) by helping one of us make some money at it. Keep that in mind, it's a
security blanket and if you are going to need it, the $10k helps everyone.

And that's it.  I am truly excited about 3.0, it is a fundamentally solid
product.  EJB done right, J2EE from the top to bottom, so much ingenuity in
all the stacks that one paragraph is not enough.  We (JBoss Group) have
released a free documentation book for 3.0 a getting started book of about
100 pages that will unlock many of the secrets of 3.0 for you.  This is
alien stuff, this is killer stuff, I know it, I am proud of it. Let it fly,
and let it fall flat on its face with bugs, help us fix them, fix them, even
pay us to fix them, just be a hero. 3.0 is here, long live 3.0.



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