Bugs item #563384, was opened at 2002-06-01 13:56
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Category: JBossServer
Group: v3.0 Rabbit Hole
>Status: Closed
>Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Scott M Stark (starksm)
>Assigned to: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Summary: SAR with entity fails on server start

Initial Comment:
The attached sar include an entity bean for perisisting 
the service config. The sar deploys fine if the JBoss 
server is running, but if the server is started with the sar 
in the deploy directory it fails to start. There are 
depends tags at both the ejb and service level on the 
DefaultDS but this does not work.


>Comment By: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Date: 2002-06-03 21:33

Logged In: YES 

Yes, I have reduced the work being done by the 
JDBCStoreManager in its create step to resolve the problem.


Comment By: David Jencks (d_jencks)
Date: 2002-06-01 19:43

Logged In: YES 

This is caused by the cmp framework not abiding by the same
service lifecycle contracts as the jca framework mbeans. 
The jca makes the jca mbeans available, and useable and the
DataSource bound after the start step, whereas the cmp
framework uses the DataSource in its create step.

IMO the best fix for this is to make the cmp framework abide
by the contracts:

create sets up everything visible to other parties but uses
nothing outside the current mbean

start can use references to the outside world.

I'm willing to fix the problem in this way if there is
general agreement that this is the best solution.

david jencks


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