Hello, I have the following question. I want to set up all of the
resource references in one place, such as standardjboss.xml, rather than
having to create a jboss.xml file for each bean. If only one bean is
specified in standardjboss.xml, then this approach works fine; however,
if more than one bean is defined, then this does not work. So, my
question is: Is it possible to set up multiple resource references in
standardjboss.xml, which will save the developer the trouble of having
to add jboss.xml to several pre-created beans?

Here's some background info which may be helpful...
I have set up a MySQL database server and properly configured
JBoss-2.4.4 to set up a datasource. I have also created an entity bean
that successfully connects to JBoss application server and inserts a row
into the database.

The ejb-jar.xml file is as follows:

The standardjboss.xml file is as follows:


Thank you,

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