Bugs item #573192, was opened at 2002-06-24 18:12
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Category: JBossCMP
Group: v3.0 Rabbit Hole
Status: Open
Resolution: Accepted
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Christian Riege (lqd)
Assigned to: Dain Sundstrom (dsundstrom)
Summary: CMP mapping broken

Initial Comment:

something broke between JDBCUtil.java 1.9 and
in relation to persisting java.math.BigDecimal (and
quite likely other types).

I have a CMP bean with a mapping of a
java.math.BigDecimal <-> NUMERIC in the DB ( PostgreSQL
7.1 w/ PostgreSQL type mapping). With JBoss 3.0.1RC1
from 06-13 my Bean successfully persisted the value in
the DB and read it back correctly:

--< snip >--
2002-06-24 16:56:44,789 TRACE
Get result: index=3, javaType=java.math.BigDecimal,
Object, value=1234.567
--< /snip >--

after upgrading to newest 3.0.1 CVS version I get an

--< snip >--2002-06-24 17:33:20,154 ERROR
TransactionRolledbackException, causedBy:
java.sql.SQLException: Unable to load to deserialize
result: java.io.StreamCorruptedException: InputStream
does not contain a serialized object

(more follows but is not relevant IMHO)
--< /snip >--

downgrading JDBCUtil to JDBCUtil 1.9 solves the
problem (i.e. the BigDecimal is stored / restored

If you need more info pls. drop me a note. Sorry for
the high priority level but I think this is urgent.


>Comment By: Christian Riege (lqd)
Date: 2002-06-25 18:29

Logged In: YES 

I did that, I already added two log.trace statements to
JDBCUtil.java to show more of the error (patch is attached);
it seems that we're falling into an
InvocationTargetException, here is the log:

2002-06-25 18:22:06,349 TRACE
Get result: index=1, javaType=java.lang.String, Simple, value=
2002-06-25 18:22:06,350 TRACE
Got method public abstract java.lang.String
java.sql.ResultSet.getString(int) throws
java.sql.SQLException for java.lang.String
2002-06-25 18:22:06,350 TRACE
Get result: index=2, javaType=java.lang.String, Simple,
value=Consignee Reference
2002-06-25 18:22:06,350 TRACE
Got method public abstract java.math.BigDecimal
java.sql.ResultSet.getBigDecimal(int) throws
java.sql.SQLException for java.math.BigDecimal
2002-06-25 18:22:06,563 TRACE
Caught InvocationTargetException: null
2002-06-25 18:22:06,570 ERROR
TransactionRolledbackException, causedBy:
java.sql.SQLException: Unable to load to deserialize result:
java.io.StreamCorruptedException: InputStream does not
contain a serialized object


Comment By: Dain Sundstrom (dsundstrom)
Date: 2002-06-25 01:48

Logged In: YES 

I rewrote most of the JDBCUtil class.  Can you increace the
log level to trace for the org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp
category and post the log lines that immedately preceed the
exception?  You can find directions in the log4j.xml file in
the server/default/conf directory.

I am specifically looking for the results of this code:

log.trace("Get result: index=" + index +
      ", javaType=" + destination.getName() +
      ", Simple, value=" + value);


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