I don't see the problem. If your ldap server allows an anonymous bind and empty
password is a valid input. If it does not then authentication will fail.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Dingwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "jboss-development_list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 2:34 PM
Subject: [JBoss-dev] LdapLoginModule Bug: Problem with empty passwords

> Using the LdapLoginModule, supplying an empty password for a user causes
> an anonymous bind to happen. This is documented in the JNDI
> documentation here
> http://java.sun.com/products/jndi/tutorial/ldap/faq/context.html.
> Read the section  [ Why does the LDAP provider ignore my security
> environment properties if I do not set the Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS
> ("java.naming.security.credentials") property or set it to the empty
> string? ] . Supplying an empty string as the credentials causes the
> context to set the SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION  property to "none" and then
> does an anon bind.
> If your Ldap server is set to except anon connections this is a problem
> for the LdapLoginModule. Supplying the empty password does not cause an
> exception to be thrown and the uid and the roles for that uid are passed
> back.
> Here is the patch for this as well. The only thing that needed to be
> changed in the method was to check to make sure the password is not an
> empty string as well as null.
>    protected boolean validatePassword(String inputPassword, String
> expectedPassword)
>    {
>       boolean isValid = false;
>       if( inputPassword != null && !inputPassword.equals(""))
>       {
>          try
>          {
>             // Validate the password by trying to create an initial
> context
>             String username = getUsername();
>             createLdapInitContext(username, inputPassword);
>             isValid = true;
>          }
>          catch(NamingException e)
>          {
>             super.log.error("Failed to validate password", e);
>          }
>       }
>       return isValid;
>    }
> Rob Dingwell

In remembrance
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