Great fucking idea!  I shoulda thought of that.

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Michael Bartmann
> Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 4:07 PM
> Subject: [JBoss-dev] Deadlock retry interceptor
> Hi deadlock lovers,
> I just did a deadlock-retry-interceptor, which was more easy than
> I thought.
> There is a serverside variant and a client interceptor.

I don't think you need a client interceptor.  Only serverside.  The reason?
You need to do the retry outside the transaction.  The transaction must be
able to rollback before you can retry it.

> The interesting (i.e. non-perfect) points are:
> - how to configure retry strategy (quite simple now)
> - where to place the serverside thing in the chain (should be _outside_
>    of the transaction which just rolled back due to the deadlock; this
>    probably implies that it could have to be done inside the TxInterceptor
>    when entering a new tx.
>    When _not_ doing "RequiresNew" the interceptor works fine between the
>    SecutiyInterceptor and the TxInterceptor (I tried this with SLSB).

You can only do a retry if the Beans starts a transaction.  Required(if tx
started) or RequiresNew.  I think this stuff should be in the TxInterceptor,
and maybe only the Container Managed one.

> - what to do with MDB (they are supposed to catch everything, so nothing
>    gets through to the interceptor. My best guess is to use a
> UserTX inside
>    the MDB, do the retry "manually" (w/o interceptor) and put all this in
>    an AbstractDeadlockRetryMDB (I did this, it worked fine).

Can't you put it in the TxInterceptor for MDB?

> Is there any interest to put this into Branch_3_2?

Send it to me.  I'll get it in.  Its definately worth it.


In remembrance
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