
Chill on the metadata repository.  This is a significant change to JBoss and
you have not thought through all the issues. (Notification, persistence, JMX
integation, etc...)  David is right, we really need to flush out the
usecases for this and how it will help the system and effect it.  Your use
case of the read-ahead cache could be implemented with attaching interfaces
to the CMP proxy with the Aspect framework.

Don't you have more important work to do anyways?  Like the new cache stuff
for CMP 2.0, or CMP 2.0 rewrite?  Focus dude.  Focus.


Also, I think we should investigate XmlBlaster (peter antman suggested)
which does exactly the magic I was talking about with XPATHs.  Others have
suggested Jelly, JXpath...These also could help tremedously.

Here's some of the requirements I think the repository should have if we go
forward with it

- layered config (you already have this idea with parents and such) so that
config info can be layerd across cluster, app server, component, invocation
as I discussed before.

- Notifications on config changes.  THis is really really important.  We
want to be able to change config clusterwide and have it trickle down to
interested components.

- JMX needs to be brought into this too.  We need to figure out how JMX fits
in so there is no redundancy.

- XML is the perfect format and API for the repository IMHO.  I see
components wanting to iterate over a namespace (Element).  XML also provides
us with the search capabilities and such.

FYI, I've written centralized configuration repositories in the past at Iona
for Orbix2000, so I've seen this shit in action.


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