I've  addded an xdoclet module to jboss 4 (head) that builds xdoclet from
source from the xdoclet cvs tree.  To minize disruption, please read!

You can avoid requiring a fresh jboss checkout by executing in jboss-head

cvs get _jboss_xdoclet

WARNING you may have to run build/build.sh twice, see "Issues". I am
investigating this.

HOW IT WORkS-------

The first time you build jboss, xdoclet source is checked out into a
directory checkout by the xdoclet/build.xml ant script.  The cvs properties
are set in the xdoclet.cvs.properties file.  After successful checkout and
build, flag files are created xdoclet.last.checkout and xdoclet.last.build.
 As long as the checkout folder remains, and these files are not touched,
xdoclet will not be rebuilt.  On my machines building xdoclet takes about
the same amount of time as building jboss.

The xdoclet build is supplied with some properties so it builds into
xdoclet/output/lib.  The libraries.ent file is modified to use xdoclet from
here.  If all goes well I will remove the xdoclet copy from thirdparty in a
day or two.

if you want to modify xdoclet, remove the xdoclet.last.build file and your
modifications will be compiled the next time you build jboss.


--The main change is that xdoclet no longer copies over all the imports
from your source  class to generated interfaces, instead fully  qualifying
all class names in the generated interfaces.

JAVA FILE XDOCLET LOOKS AT!!  NO import x.y.x.*;!!!!!

If you import a package.*, xdoclet may find a class referenced in a file in
which it is not explicitly imported and decide the class is "unknown" and
therefore to be generated in the "current" package, and not fully qualify
the name in ANY file it generates.  This can be extremely confusing since
the effects are in a file totally unrelated to the file with the package
import, and there is no obvious warning of where the problem came from. I'm
looking for a way to at least provide a more obvious warning for this.

--xmbean operations require you to list the managed-parameters with  the
correct types.  While a nuisance, this at least encourages you to comment

--xmbean display-names can be specified, and they display in the



--currently xdoclet head is checked out.  After I make sure this works a
little more and fix a couple of xdoclet problems I will tag xdoclet source
so we have a more stable checkout.

--On some machines it appears that the first build will not be able to find
the just-compiled xdoclet jars.  Running build/build.sh again seems to find
them.  (I thought it worked on apple 1.4.1, but a fresh checkout on linux
sun 1.3.1 fails on the first build).  I'm looking at this.


Next steps:

put the jboss xdoclet module into jboss cvs and build it with the rest of

provide instructions for xdoclet committers to work with a "live" copy of
xdoclet in jboss.

david jencks

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