There is now a build howto for JBoss-IDE available at: (available 
next time the website get's refreshed)

I've also attached the current version.

Title: Building JBoss-IDE

How to build JBoss-IDE

Version 1.0


Getting JBoss-IDE integrated in eclipse is a bit complicated. This is due to the fact that there is no plug to plug-in our xdoclet support. So we have to build this plug which means modifying regular eclipse classes. We need an installer to make the replacement of this classes comfortable as well as to offer a undo functionality. With Eclipse 2.1.0 final it's very likely that plug we need is regularly build in. Then JBoss-IDE is purely a set of eclipse plug-ins. That will make our life much easier. We don't need an installer anymore, we just unzip JBoss-IDE in the Eclipse plug-ins directory and we don't have to change the regular classes any longer.


For building JBoss-IDE checkout the modules:
  • jbosside_project
  • xdoclet (plugin for xdoclet support)
  • launcher (plugin for launching JBoss)
  • org.eclipse.jdt.ui (modified classes of the regular eclipse package org.eclipse.jdt.ui for Eclipse 2.1.0M4)
  • org.eclipse.jdt.ui.20 (modified classes of the regular eclipse package org.eclipse.jdt.ui for Eclipse 2.0.2)


Change to jbosside_project and and adapt the file to your local settings. The comments in this file will tell you what to do. Now you can start the build.xml in jbosside_project.

Resulting files

In installer/build/zips you can find the jbosside_installer.jar. By starting this the installer gets launched and will install JBoss-IDE. All necessary files for that are contained in the jar.

In installer/build/deploy you can find the This zip contains jbosside_installer.jar plus the releasenotes.html and the JBossIDE_QuickStart1.0.pdf. That's the file we provide at sourceforge for downloading.

In installer/src/etc/zips you can find the plugin zips (i.e. and the jar's with the modified classes as well as the modified plugin.xml's of the regular eclipse package org.eclipse.jdt.ui. There are four of them because we need different one's for eclipse 2.0.2 and eclipse 2.1.0M4.

Deploying directly

The build.xml of each module has a deploy and undeploy target which (un)deploy's this module to the eclipse installations defined in the file.

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